Test: GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC Waterforce WB 8GB

Grafikkort, NVIDIA  d.  27. april. 2020, skrevet af Gripen90 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 6994 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: Gripen90
Oversættelse: jmose

Pristjek på  6881,00
Produkt udlånt af: Gigabyte
DK distributør: Proshop.dk




GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC WB Waterforce 8GB er et grafikkort målrettet folk, der gerne vil have det bedste ud af deres hardware uden at skulle skrue for meget på tingene selv. Kortet er mere eller mindre plug and play klart til ethvert custom vandkøling setup og er lige til at sætte til. Der er nok med RGB belysning til at kunne tilfredsstille de fleste, der ønsker at fremvise deres udstyr.  Kortet er klart lige ud af pakken og man skal forbruger ikke foretage sig andet end at sætte kortet i ens loop og så er man i gang. Baseret på NVIDIA's RTX 2080 Super GPU med DLSS og Ray Tracing, så har man alle de nyeste teknologier ved hånden. Kortet har helt klart sin styrke i 1440p opløsninger og over - 4K er i de fleste tilfælde spilbart og klart en mulighed hvis man er indstillet på at overclocke kortet lidt - dog når det ikke 2080Ti niveau.

Innovation/Teknologi - 5
NVIDIAs nyeste Turing GPU sørger for Ray Tracing,Deep Learning Super Sampling og mange flere effekter. Med Turing i ens system så er man sikret at kunne klare de seneste effekter en rum tid fremover.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Det er ikke den største bundle, men det er rart at se en god vejledning til installation i ens H2O loop. Dertil har GIGABYTE også vedlagt en ekstra tube thermal paste til vedligholdelse af kortet. 

Design/Layout - 4
GIGABYTE har igen lavet et meget "gamer" relateret tema over kortet. Om det æstetiske look er noget man kan lide eller ej, er i højgrad individuelt. Alligevel synes jeg at udtrykket generelt er pænt og noget som man sagtens kan være bekendt at vise frem.

Ydelse - 5
Ydelsen kan man ikke sætte en finger på, den er helt i top og i samme liga med andre RTX 2080 Super kort. 1440p og maksimal detaljegrad er hvor kortet befinder sig bedst og ofte på den anden side af 100FPS. Ydelsesmæssigt ligger RTX 2080 Super ca 5-6% over det traditionelle RTX 2080 kort, så det er ikke her man skal foretage en opgradering. Sidder man med et RTX 2060 6GB eller lavere og vil opgradere, så giver det mere mening at se på kortet i denne ydelses og prisklasse.

Pris - 3
Prisen på RTX 2080 Super er ikke just lav, hvor de ofte ligger omkring 6000~6300kr. GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC Waterforce WB 8GB ligger på ca. 6800kr, og det kan måske lidt forsvares ved, at kortet allerede kommer med en H2O blok monteret, så man ikke selv skal ud og investere ekstra og montere selv, hvis man vil over i custom vandkøling.



Test: GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC Waterforce WB 8GB
Innovation / Teknologi5
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4

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GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC Waterforce WB 8GB is a graphics card targeted at people who would like to get the best out of their hardware without having to mess around to much on things themselves. The card is more or less plug and play ready for any custom water cooling setup and is easy to plug in. There is enough with RGB lighting to be able to satisfy most who want to showcase their equipment.  The card is clearly straight out of the package and you have to consume nothing but put the card in your loop and then you're in the running. Based on NVIDIA's RTX 2080 Super GPU with DLSS and Ray Tracing, you have all the latest technologies at your fingertips. The card clearly has its strength in 1440p resolutions and over - 4K is in most cases playable and clearly an option if one is prepared to overclock the card a little – however, it does not reach the 2080Ti level.

Innovation/Technology - 5
NVIDIA's latest Turing GPU provides Ray Tracing, Deep Learning Super Sampling and many more effects. With Turing in one's system, you are guaranteed to be able to cope with the latest effects for a while to come.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
It's not the biggest bundle, but it's nice to see a good guide to installation in one's H2O loop. In addition, Gigabyte has also attached an additional tube of thermal paste for the maintenance of the card. 

Design/Layout - 4
GIGABYTE has again made a very gamer related theme over the card. Whether the aesthetic look is something you like or not is very much individual. Nevertheless, I think that the term is generally nice and something that one can easily be familiar to show off.

Performance - 5
You can't put a finger on it, it's top notch and in the same league with other RTX 2080 Super cards. 1440p and maximum detail is where the map is best and often on the other side of the 100FPS. Performance-wise, the RTX 2080 Super is about 5-6% above the traditional RTX 2080 card, so this is not where to make an upgrade. If you're sitting with an RTX 2060 6GB or lower and want to upgrade, it makes more sense to look at the card in this performance and price range.

Price - 3
The price of the RTX 2080 Super is not exactly low, where they are often around 6000~6300 DKK. GIGABYTE RTX 2080 Super Gaming OC Waterforce WB 8GB is about 6800 DKK, and it can perhaps be somewhat defended by the fact that the card already comes with an H2O block mounted, so you don't have to invest extra and install yourself if you want to switch over in custom water cooling.