Igen har Logitech produceret en rigtig god mus til dens formål. Den har næsten en overflod af lækre features og et design som kan få de fleste nørder til at tabe underkæben.
Innovation/teknologi: 5 Musen er simpelthen bare spækket til randen med superlækre features, som er med til at gøre den daglige brug af en notebook lidt lettere.
Bundle/Tilbehør: 1 Jeg blev meget skuffet over at der ikke fulgte en pose med til musen. En driver CD og 1 AA batteri er simpelthen for lidt, for sådan et lækkert produkt.
Design/Layout: 5 Ergonomisk er musen bare super lækker, og så ser den bare godt ud. Selv den underlige zoom-knap, er blevet implementeret så det ikke ødelægger det samlede billede.
Software: 3 SetPoint giver mulighed for at indstille de mest almindelige funktioner. Derudover har Logitech gjort det muligt at indstille flere af musens funktioner til enkelte programmer.
Programmet gør hvad det skal, men nu er det vidst også snart ved at være tid til noget nyt.
Ydelse: 4 Musen reagerer hurtigt og præcist uden at lave underlige ting. Det samme gælder for knapperne.
Pris: 4 Med en pris på 450,- er den betydeligt dyrere end andre mus på markedet. Jeg mener dog at pengene er givet godt ud i form af funktioner og ergonomi.
UK Summary
Once again, Logitech introduces a great performing mouse, which excels in its target environment. A plethora of nice features are offered, and the design makes the mouse an instant heart-throb for most any hardware geek
Innovation / Technology - 5 points A multitude of fantastic features are at an arms reach with this mouse. Daily work with a notebook just got even easier.
Bundle - 1 point I was very disappointed to find that a carrying bag was not enclosed in the bundle. A driver CD and a single AA battery just don't cut it, especially not for such a nice product.
Design - 5 points As well as looking extraordinarily nice, the mouse is very well crafted ergonomically. A nice addition is the weird zoom-button, which is implemented in a fashion so as to not obstruct the overall visual appearance of the mouse.
Software - 3 points The SetPoint software gives the user the option of configuring the most common mouse functions. Furthermore, much of the mouse functionality can be configured on an application basis. The software does a nice job, but further development of the software would be appreciated.
Performance - 4 points The mouse responds well to fast movement, and is very precise. I never experienced any jitter or other irregularities in the cursor. The buttons are well crafted as well.
Price - 4 points Priced at 450 DKK, the reviewed mouse is more expensive than most competing mice. In my opinion the money is well spent, as the functionality and ergonomics are supreme.
Test: Logitech VX Revolution notebook mus
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 1 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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