Test: QNAP TS-431P3 NAS server

Netværk d.  16. oktober. 2020, skrevet af Silent Sniper 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 7236 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: Silent Sniper
Oversættelse: jmose

Pristjek på  3490,00
Produkt udlånt af: QNAP
DK distributør: n/a





Vi kom til vejs ende for testen af QNAP TS-431P3, modellen vi har testet, er nyeste skud på stammen fra QNAP.

Til sammenligning med tidligere model QNAP TS-431P2, er der på QNAP TS-431P3 tilføjet en 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port, hvor dette giver god mening hvis man alligevel har købt et nyere bundkort med understøttelse for dette. Desuden den normale Gigabit Ethernet port.

Innovation/Technology - 3
Der er ikke sket det helt store fremskridt, med undtagelse af QNAP blot har tilføjet 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port. Der bruges stadigvæk DDR3 RAM til maskineriet, samt en Quad Core  AL314 CPU på 1.7GHz som i den tidligere model.

Bundle/Accessories - 4
Der er det med som man forventer, for at kunne montere sine 3.5/2.5 harddiske, plus lidt ekstra skruer samt Ethernet kabel, for tilslutning til en switch eller router.

Design/Layout - 4
Designet er som jeg nævnte tidligere, ganske pænt og nydeligt.
Rart med en hvid farve, i stedet for hardware ting altid skal være i farven sort.

Software/BIOS - 5
Softwaren til styring af nas’en føles responsiv og hurtig, ingen slinger i valsen overhovedet.
Ser vi på App Centeret, er der et hav af muligheder for hvordan ens QNAP kan opsættes.
Eneste ting, man som potentiel køber skal være opmærksom på, er at nogle af QNAPs programmer kræver en ”rigtig” CPU (x86) for de fungere f.eks. Boxafe og lign.

Performance - 4
Ydelsen er som forventet på 1 Gigabit netværk, er helt sikker på vi ville kunne have presset mere ud af QNAP TS-431P3 med et hurtigere netværk.

Price - 4
Med en vejledende udsalgspris på 3489,- får du for dine penge, en ganske habil 4 bay nas.
Gode netværkstilslutninger, 4GB RAM samt en Quad Core CPU 1.7GHz.



Test: QNAP TS-431P3 NAS server
Innovation / Teknologi3
Bundle - Tilbehør4
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS5

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We came to the end of the test of QNAP TS-431P3, the model we have tested is the latest version from QNAP.

In comparison to previous model QNAP TS-431P2, a 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port has been added on the QNAP TS-431P3, where this makes perfect sense if you bought a newer motherboard with support for this anyway. Also the normal Gigabit Ethernet port.

Innovation/Technology - 3
Not much progress has been made, with the exception of QNAP has simply added 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Port. DDR3 RAM is still used for the machinery, as well as a Quad Core AL314 CPU of 1.7GHz as in the previous model.

Bundle/Accessories - 4
There´s what you would expect to be able to mount its 3.5/2.5 hard drives, plus a little extra screws as well as Ethernet cable, for connecting to a switch or router.

Design/Layout - 4
The design is as I mentioned earlier, quite nice and neat.
Nice with a white color, instead of hardware things always seems to come in black.

Software/BIOS - 5
The software for controlling the nas feels responsive and fast. Looking at the App Center, there are a lot of possibilities for how one's QNAP can be set up.
The only thing you as a potential buyer should be aware of is that some of QNAP's programs require a "real" CPU (x86) for the work, for example. Boxafe and the like.

Performance - 4
The performance is as expected on 1 Gigabit network, is quite sure we could have squeezed more out of the QNAP TS-431P3 with a faster network.

Price - 4
With a suggested retail price of 3489 DKK you get quite a stable 4 bay NAS for your money.
Good network connections, 4GB of RAM and a Quad Core CPU 1.7GHz.