Kabinetter d. 29. marts. 2021, skrevet af Renissen2 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 3643 gange.
Det har været en udpræget fornøjelse at have dette kabinet til test. Kabinettet er præget af topkvalitet hele vejen igennem. Derfor var det lidt mærkeligt at se et grafikkort passe så dårligt i den normale montering af grafikkortet. Det vil dog også give mere mening at montere flere grafikort i en position så varmen fra dem går opad i kabinettet. Det sorte udtryk ser lækkert ud både indvendigt og udvendigt på kabinettet. Indretningen indvendig til både PSU og diverse harddiske er unægteligt alternativ men rigtigt godt implementeret.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Man må indrømme at der er en hel del nytænkning i dette kabinet, både på designet indvendigt og på skortstensventilationen samt muligheden for at vende grafikkortene.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Her finder man lige nøjagtigt hvad der skal bruges til installation af hardware i kabinettet. Lidt usædvanligt er det at se et USB kabel til Firmwareopdatering.
Design - 5
Designet falder helt i min personlige smag, så skulle jeg bygge et system med flere grafikkort så ville dette kabinet afgjort komme med i overvejelserne.
Pris - 4
Prisen på knap 1600 Kr. finder jeg helt i orden, da kabinettet er lækkert fremstillet og har mange spændende detaljer samt en hærdet glasside.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 85% |
It has been a distinct pleasure to have this case for testing. The cabinet is characterized by excellence throughout. Therefore, it was a little strange to see a graphics card fit so badly in the normal mounting of the graphics card. However, it will also make more sense to mount more graphics in a position so that the heat from them goes upwards in the case. The black expression looks delicious both inside and out of the cabinet. The interior design for both PSU and various hard drives is undeniably alternative but really well implemented.
Innovation/Technology - 4
One has to admit that there is a great deal of innovation in this cabinet, both on the design inside and on the ventilation, as well as the possibility of reversing the graphics cards.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Here you will find exactly what will be used for installing hardware in the case. A little unusual is seeing a USB cable for Firmware Update.
Design - 5
The design is entirely in my personal taste, so should I build a system with more graphics cards then this cabinet would definitely come into consideration.
Price - 4
I find the price of almost 1600 DKK perfectly fine, as the cabinet is deliciously made and has many exciting details as well as a tempered glass side.