Test: SiteCom LN-116 & 117

Netværk d.  31. marts. 2008, skrevet af Huddy 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 10389 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Hasee.dk
DK distributør: Hasee.dk



Da der egentligt ikke har været nogen installation af produkterne – hverken ophængning på væg, eller Software installation, må jeg tilkendegive, at installationen ikke var så svær igen. Det var faktisk blot sætte stikkende i, også ruller vi – men det er vel også meningen med en Switch uden Layer-level funktioner. Rent hastighedsmæssig, synes jeg ikke, der er det store at sætte fingeren på – vel og mærke bevidst om, at det er SOHO-Switche. De har en fin Throughput – kan selvfølgelig blive bedre, men sådan er det med alt når det drejer sig om Performance, og Responstiderne som skal holdes.

Innovation/Teknologi – 2.
For at sige det simpelt, så er det Switche – ingen hokus pokus der. Og heller ikke hvad angår nytænkning eller nye teknologier, derfor det noget skrabet 2 tal. 

Bundle/Tilbehør – 2.
Også et skrabet 2 tal her, dette skyldes dog, at der faktisk ikke er noget tilbehør med ud over, skuerne til væg ophæng – ikke engang en specifikations-liste, eller hvad de evt. har proppet i disse Switche. 

Design/Layout – 3.
Det lykkedes lige, at komme op på et 3 tal her – 3 tal, på det grundlag, at det ikke er grimme Switche i forskellige farver som eks. D-Link er, men dette er også et spørgsmål om smag. 

Software – N/A. 

Ydelse – 3.
Iflg.testen er ydelsen er ikke verdens bedste, og kunne snilt have været bedre set i forhold til modstykket fra HP – som så også henvender sig til Enterprise løsninger med høj tilgængelighed og høj Throughput i forskellige Routeninger og VLAN´s. 

Pris - 4.
Prisen for en 5´er er hhv. 262,- og 375,- for 8 ports modellen, hvilket bestemt er en pris man godt kan forsvare. 



Test: SiteCom LN-116 & 117
Innovation / Teknologi2
Bundle - Tilbehør2
Design - Layout3

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As there was no hassle installing either of the products, meaning I didn't have to hang them on the wall or install software, I must admit that the installation wasn't that hard. Actually I just had to plug it in and I was rolling - but this is also the point of a switch with no Layer-level functions. With regard to speeds, I don't feel there's anything to point my finger at, but these are also SOHO switches. They have a fine througput. Of course they can be better, but that's just how it is when it comes to performance and responsetimes that needs to be kept low.

Innovation/Technology - 2.
To put it simple, these are switches - no trickory here, and the same story when it comes to innovation or new technologies - that's why I have to grade them the somewhat poor 2 points.

Bundle/accessories - 2.
Also the somewhat poor 2 points here. That's because there's no accessories bundled besides screws for wall mounting - not even a specifications list has been included or at least something explaining what they've actually put into these switches.

Design/Layout - 3.
Finally the switches have managed to achieve 3 points - these 3 points have been granted since they're not particularly bad looking D-Link switches in multiple colors - but then again, it's a matter of taste.

Software – N/A.

Performance - 3.
According to the test, the performance doesn't grant the switches the title of "world champion", and could easily be seen better if we were to take a look at the counterparts from HP, of which I must say, that they address Enterprise solutions with high availability and throughput in different routings and VLANs.

Price - 4.
The prices are 35€ for the 5-port model and 50€ for the 8-port model. They're easy to defend.


31-03-2008 15:59:16
God test Huddy, ikke de bedste, men de er da gode nok.