Test: Kontron KT780/ATX UK

Bundkort, AMD d.  20. november. 2008, skrevet af Mino 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 8079 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Kontron
DK distributør: Kontron

UK summary



Kontron silently sneaked out their very first Full-Size ATX motherboard. They have done everything possible to optimize the functionality of the board, and that is with a very positive end result. The layout is well thought out, and there is not a single connection, that has not obviously been approved by a smart and clever engineer. Never before has yours truly, had a board for review and testing, that has been so well balanced, that not a hint of tension could be found anywhere, even though all the boards heatsinks are solid and firmly placed. All this on a motherboard, which in my eyes has the best chipset for HTPC and mediacenters currently on the market right now. If it's meant to last, and you want it to start first time every time in the years to come, then my personal choice would be the well engineered Kontron KT780/ATX.


Innovation/Technology - 4
The 780G chipset has over time been approved as a real functional media-chipset (which even plays full HD-material, paired with a powerfull enough CPU), and I think it's a really smart choice Kontron has made here for their first ATX motherboard.We've previously testet motherboards with this chipset, and currently only the 790GX with the HD 3300 can outperfom it, but also with more heat output as a consequence.

Bundle/Accessories - N/A
Only a backplate is included, but that is totally acceptable, since this motherboard is meant for industrial institutions. Should there eventually become a broader backing of Kontron about products like this, then it would not be hard to imagine Kontron eventually end up making a retail-package for home users.

Design/Layout - 5
Kontron deserves a 5'er here, no doubt about that. I simply can't think of a motherboard, from which there can be made a better cable-tying than of what is possible with this board. Furthermore they have accomplished the task of firmly attaching the 3 heatsinks, without a sign of stretch or skew anywhere - good work Kontron!

Software/BIOS - 3
There is no software included, but that's not to say you can't go about downloading the free AMD Overdrive, which enables overclocking with this board. The BIOS however does not support overclocking, but who would want a piece of hospital-equipment failing, because of some smarty-pants messing about in the BIOS

Performance - 4
Even though we do not have the right means to complete an extreme stress-test, nor year-long experiments, the tale about the long lasting properties of this board, which should outlast your mainstream Motherboard from Taiwan, is ultimately bringing the score up here. It might be somewhat unfair to other motherboards, but if you were to ask a automobile-mechanic about which car's engine would last longer, and he had to choose from a Mazda and a Mercedes, it's not hard to guess the answer to that. Furthermore the board overclocks well, even though it's not supported by the BIOS.

Price - 4
Kontron KT780/ATX is not for sale as retail in Denmark, but those of us who purchase via the world wide web can order it from Germany (the service from Kontron is not affected by county of origin), for a price of aprox. € 150-170. Sure there are other motherboards out there with the same chipset and roughly the same specs. but none of them had the same quality of build nor the longevity that Kontron offers. If you are interested in buying the board, it can be ordered from: www.mini-tft.de



Test: Kontron KT780/ATX UK
Innovation / Teknologi4
Design - Layout5
Software - BIOS3

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