
Man sidder med en følelse af et godt program med en meget letkørende "engine". Intet kunne slippe igennem i testen af skrevne testvirus og keygens blev stoppet som forventet af et købeprogram.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
"Motoren" i programmeringen kører let og ubesværet i forhold til mange andre lignende testprodukter.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
En stor pil opad for en god og letlæselig manual på Dansk.
Software - 3
Let at installere, lidt kringlet med finjusteringer.
Ydelse - 4
Jeg syntes helt bestemt at den "yder" på den rigtige måde, nemlig ved ikke at mærkes i det daglige.
Pris - 3
Det følger gennemsnittet pr. licens om det så er til 1 / 3 eller 5 PC'ere. Pris på hjemmesiden 499,- kr. for 1 PC og 649,- kr. for 3 PC'ere
Test: Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 68% |
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When you are testing Kaspersky Internet Security it is an experience to notice that the light engine does not use much resources but runs like a knife trough butter. It does not let any of the tested "Virus-scripting" through the door, and the tested keygenerators were deleted as soon as it was enabled.
Kaspersky did what it was expected to do, easy and extremely light. You just install it and afterwards you will not take any notice about it running.
Innovation/Technology - 4
A very light engine / use of resources - feels better than many other products.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Thumbs up for a Danish "easy to use" manual.
Software - 3
Easy to install, intuitive but a bit difficult with the adjustments in "What to do if.."
Performance - 4
Again "Thumbs up" because the program is not making any fuzz, and is light and easy running.
Price - 3
The price is average, a bit more expensive than the other manufactors, but feels like its worth the price.
499,- DKK / 1 Pc license - 649,- DKK / 3 Pc licence.