
Der var nogle nævneværdige positive ting ved dette keyboard, såsom håndstøtten, der gav en meget behagelig skrive position. Men dette blev desværre overskygget af langt flere negative ting, der desværre er nogle af de vigtigste ting i valget af tastatur. Det var en meget ubehagelig skrive oplevelse, og modstanden i tasterne var under al kritik. Det var alt for hårdt at trykke tasterne ned, og man var i tvivl om de nogle gange sad fast, fordi man ikke havde fornemmelse med at tasterne hoppede op igen. Lyset var heller ikke den store oplevelse, og var mere til gene end gavn. Så lad mig konkludere ved at sige, at OCZ er rigtigt gode til at lave ram og SSD.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Meget neutralt bundle. Ikke noget ekstra at skrive om, og selvom manualen var på 7 sprog, var Dansk ikke et af dem.
Design/Layout - 3
Vi klemmer os op på et 3 tal her, kun på grund af den behagelige håndstøtte. For der er godt nok nogle fejl i designet, såsom lyset i siderne, der ikke tjener noget formål, andet end at stjæle opmærksomhed fra selve tastaturet. Multimedie knapperne i siden virker heller ikke velovervejet nok, og personligt ville jeg aldrig komme til at bruge dem.
Ydelse - 1
Skriveoplevelsen er dybt skuffende, og efter at have skrevet på tastaturet i en time, var jeg simpelthen nødt til at skifte tilbage til mit eget igen, for ikke at blive sindssyg. Man har utrolig ringe følelse med tasterne på grund af modstanden i dem, og der burde virkelig være lagt mere vægt på de vigtige ting i et keyboard, i stedet for at satse på et spacey look.
Pris - 2
Det var ikke muligt at finde dette tastatur på EDBpriser, men jeg fandt det dog på Amazon.com. Her koster det $24.70, hvilket svarer til ca. DKK 130,- hvortil man så lige skal lægge fragt. Dette er sikkert ok, men det ender stadig på et 2 tal, fordi jeg desværre er tilbøjelig til at sige, at det ikke er pengene værd. Jeg vil med glæde betale 3 gange så meget for et keyboard, der rent faktisk opfylder de krav jeg har til et keyboard. Og sætter man OCZ Illuminati og Logitech Illuminated op imod hinanden, er det sten sikkert værd at betale de ekstra kroner det koster, at erhverve sig Logitechs version.
Test: OCZ Illuminati
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Ydelse | 1 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 45% |
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There were some nice features worth mentioning with this keyboard, such as the hand support, which gives you a really comfortable writing position. This was however sadly overshadowed by far more negative things, which sadly include some of the most important features, when looking for a new keyboard. It was a very unpleasent writing experience, and the resistance in the keys is horrible. It was way too hard to press down the keys, and sometimes you got the feeling as if the keys were stuck, because there was nothing that indicated that the keys jumped up again. The lighting was not a big success either, and was more annoying than helpful. So let me conclude by saying that OCZ are really good at making ram and SSD.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Very neutral bundle, and nothing extra to write about. Eventhough the manual was in 7 languages, Danish was not one of them.
Design/Layout - 3
The design gets a middle score of 3, solely because of the hand support, because there are several errors in the design, such as the light in the sides, that has no purpose, but to steal attention away from the keyboard. The multimedia buttons on the sides do not seem thoroughly thought through either, and personally I would probably never use them.
Performance - 1
The writing experience was a huge disappointment, and after having writting on this keyboard for about an hour, I had to plug in my own keyboard, sinply to avoid going mad. You get an incredibly poor feel for the keys, due to the resistance in them, and there should really have been put more effort into the important things in a keyboard, instead of just going for a spacey look.
Price - 2
It was not possible to find this keyboard on EDBpriser, but I did manage to find it on Amazon.com. Here it is listed at $24.70 which is about DKK 130,- and on top of this comes shipping. This price is probably ok, but we still end up with a score of 2, because I sadly have to say, that I feel it is not worth the money. I would gladly pay 3 times this price, in order to get a keyboard, which fulfils my demands for a keyboard. And if you compare OCZ Illuminati with Logitech Illuminated, it is without a doubt worth spending the extra money, on aquiring Logitechs version.