
Det har endnu engang været en fornøjelse at få lov at teste det nyeste på markedet fra Asus. Der er virkelig kælet for enhver detalje, både indeni og udenpå. At kunne vedholde opfindsomheden i det funktionelle design, er en opgave Asus virkelig mestrer, hvilket bla. den nye TurboV Remote er et glimrende eksempel på. Rent facademæssigt er Asus P7P55D Deluxe en sand design-perle, der med sit eksklusive look, i hvert fald har 1 fan allerede, nemlig jeres undertegende skribent. Der er ikke en finger at sætte på hverken funktionalitet, ydelse eller tilbehør.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
P55 er lige kommet på markedet, og Asus er klar på første række. Dertil har Asus udviklet TurboV med tilhørende remote, der gør ikke bare overclocking, men overclocking i forhånds-indstillede trin, ekstremt nemt at zappe rundt i.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Remoten trækker scoren op her, og det er lige før 5-tallet er inden for rækkevidde, men dertil skal der simpelthen være mere tilbehør af den mere ekstravagante slags, f.eks et spil. Derfor skal man nu ikke kimse af remoten og dennes funktionalitet. Alt i alt en meget flot bundle.
Design/Layout - 5
Der er snart ingen der kan designe bundkort som Asus. Skal man have noget der ser lækkert ud, så er Asus et godt sted at starte. Utroligt at de kan blive ved med at levere så æstetisk unikke bundkort ift. de fleste konkurrenter. Rent funktionelt er der heller ikke en finger at sætte. Derfor fuldt hus i denne kategori.
Software/BIOS - 5
Asus lægger igen for dagen med et udspil i denne kategori, som ikke mange kan gøre efter. Det er virkelig en godt og brugbar softwarepakke der følger med bundkortet, der næsten alt sammen direkte har med funktioner i/på bundkortet at gøre. Det er sgu imponerende.
Ydelse - 5
Vi fik vores i7 870 helt op på svimlende 4300 MHz, men det er skam ikke alt. Asus har gjort et stort nummer ud af at gøre det let for os, og det var virkelig også rigtig nemt at overclocke på dette bundkort, hvor vi havde hele 3 forskellige inputs at vælge imellem for at udføre det; BIOS, Software i Windows og TurboV Remote.
Pris - 3
Lige knap kr. 1450,- koster Asus P7P55D Deluxe. Det er absolut en fair pris, når man ser på hvad man får for pengene. Kan man undvære nogle funktioner som Deluxe-modellen tilbyder,så er der flere P55 bundkort fra Asus der koster en del mindre. Med andre ord, så får man altså hvad man betaler for med P7P55D Deluxe.
Test: Asus P7P55D Deluxe
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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It has once again been a privilege to be able to test the newest on the market from Asus. There really is lavished on every detail, inside and out. Being able to maintain an inventiveness in the functional design is a task Asus really masteres, which the new TurboV Remote is an excellent example of. Talking purely looks, the Asus P7P55D Deluxe is a real design pearl, with its exclusive look, it has at least 1 fan already - your humble hardware-writer. There is not a finger to put on neither the functionality, performance nor accessories.
Innovation/Technology - 5
P55 has just been introduced to the market, and Asus is ready on the first row. In addition, Asus developed TurboV with an associated remote, that makes not only overclocking, but overclocking in pre-set steps, extremely easy to zap around in.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
The remote pulls the score up here, and 5 points in nearly within reach, but there must simply be more accessories of the more extravagant kind, such a game or likewise included to make that happen. But that being said, you should not underestimate the functionality of the remote. All in all a very nice bundle.
Design/Layout - 5
There will soon be no one that can design the way Asus designs motherboards. If you want a really stylish motherboard, Asus is a good place to start. It's almost unbelievable, that they can continue to provide such aesthetically unique motherboards, without any competetion from the rivals. Purely functional, there is not a finger to put on the design. Full house in this category.
Software/BIOS - 5
Asus has made a really nice software package. It really is a good and useful software bundle included with the motherboard, which has almost all of its features in direct contact with features in / on the motherboard. It's damn impressive.
Performance - 5
We got our i7 870 up at a dizzying 4300 MHz, but it is really not everything. Asus has done a great deal about making it easy for us, and it was really really easy to overclock on this motherboard. We did in fact have 3 different inputs to choose from to perform it; BIOS, software in Windows and TurboV Remote
Price - 3
Just under DKK 1450,- is the asking price for Asus P7P55D Deluxe. It is absolutely fair, when you look at what you get for your money. Can you spare a few of the features the Deluxe model offers, there are several other P55 motherboards from Asus, with a lower pricetag. In other words, you get what you pay for with P7P55D Deluxe.