Innvovation, ny teknologi og rå ydelse har aldrig gået op i højere enhed, end med AMD HD5970 Hemlock. Kortet tilbyder DirectX 11 teknologi, 2GB RAM og hele to GPU'er - men samtidigt også et meget nøjsomt idle forbrug af strøm, vha. advanceret kredsløbsstyring. For entusiatsten der ikke kan få nok, eller overclockeren der vil overclocke og tweake sit kort, må HD5970 siges et være det helt rigtige valg. Kortet hører dog bestemt til i "superentusiast" segmentet, da det kræver et stort kabinet, en voldsom strømforsyning, samt en stor pengepung da cirkaprisen ligger på 4.000,- DKK. Da kortet har et headroom til overclocking på fantastiske 25% ifht. standard clockningen fra frabrikken af, må der siges at være massivt OC-potentiale og mange timers spændende twealing for de forbrugergruppe der går meget op i lige de to discipliner.
UK summary
Innvovation, new technology and raw performance has never gone up in higher unit than with the AMD HD5970 Hemlock. The card offers DirectX 11 technology, 2GB of RAM and sports whole two GPUs - but is simultaneously also very austere, in idle power consumption, using advanced circuit management. For the enthusiast who can not get enough, or the overclocker or tweaker the HD5970 should be the perfect choice. The card, however, is destined for the "super-enthusiast" segment, as it requires a large enclosure/housing, a massive power supply and a large purse because the price is estimated around 4000,- DKK. Since the card has a headroom for overclocking at amazing 25% above standard factory clocks, there is massive OC potential and many hours of exciting twealing for the consumer group who are very focused on those two disciplines.