
Overall et fornuftigt produkt, dog synes jeg at det er lidt malplaceret at lave en gamer mus i notebook-format. Jeg synes at en mus til en bærbar skal være trådløs og ikke fylde. Denne mus har dog en ret kort ledning, 1.5m, men det er stadig noget rod at have mere ledning end højest nødvendigt, i forbindelse med en bærbar.
Innovation/Teknologi - 1
Der bliver benyttet en gammel teknologi i form af en optisk diode og ikke en laser - det kan ikke udløse mere end et 1 tal.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 2
Jeg kan ikke give mere end 2 for bundlen da der ikke var andet med end en Quick Guide og en CD med software, som man alligevel kan hente på nettet. Da produktet henvender sig til den mobile gamer kunne man måske have ønsket sig en pose til musen, til at beskytte den samt at holde styr på ledningen.
Design/Layout - 3
Jeg synes faktisk at produktet er ganske flot designet og designet fungerer, specielt hvis man har en lille hånd. Dog er der dog ikke noget nyt og banebrydende i designet så derfor ender jeg på et fint 3 tal til musen.
Software - 1
Softwaren er ikke noget hit. Det kan det samme som Windows' egne museindstillinger kan. Og med sådan en mus kan jeg ikke se fordelen i at kunne sætte DPI med 1 DPI's intervaller. Så et 1 tal her fra.
Ydelse - 3
Musen yder som den skal og musen er fin at bruge selv med større hænder i kort tid, men det er så også det. Der er ikke noget super over den.
Pris - 3
Denne mus koster DKR 203,- ifølge forhandleren, og det synes jeg er en fornuftig pris - dog ikke noget kup.
Test: SPEEDLINK Ferret Gaming Mouse
Innovation / Teknologi | 1 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 1 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 43% |
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Overall it is a pretty good product. But i think it is a bit misplaced with a gamer mouse in a notebook format. I think that a mouse for a notebook should be wireless and small. This mouse does have a pretty short cord, 1.5m, but still it is a mess to have longer cords than necessary, when you are dealing with a notebook.
Innovation/Technology - 1
The mouse is using a old technology, a optical diode and not a laser as new products use today. For that i cannot give more than 1 point.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
I cannot give more than 2 points for the bundle of this product. The only things that came with the product was a Quick Start guide and a CD with software, that easily could be found online. The product is targeted the mobile gamer and a bag for the mouse would had been suitable in order to protect it and give it a place to stack the cord.
Design/Layout - 3
I think that the product is pretty nicely designed, and it is great especially if you have a small hand. But there is not any new or groundbreaking in the design so that is why I award 3 points in this category.
Software - 1
The software is not a hit. You can tweak the same settings in Windows. And i think that it is such a waste to make a program that allows the user to set the DPI in intervals of 1. So only 1 from me.
Performance - 3
The mouse is performing as it should and it is good to use, even with larger hands - but only for a short time. Nothing super about this mouse.
Price - 3
This price of the mouse is DKK 203,-. I think is is a fair price but certainly not a great deal.