Vi har fået et første kig på det nye Intel Z68 chipsæt i aktion, og det lover godt for fremtiden. Der er kommet flere interessante funktioner til, og du har nu fuld råderet over både CPU og GPU delen i Sandy Bridge processoren. Jeg må sige at jeg er imponeret over, hvor meget man får ud af et overclock på dette bundkort. Der er masser af kraft, og selvom at kortet ikke er fyldt med VRM moduler til at levere strøm, så klarer det sig rigtig godt. Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3 har desuden fået en Lucidlogix Virtu chip, der gør det muligt at kombinere Intel grafikken med et PCI-E grafikkort, og give en smule bedre ydelse, samt mulighed for at udnytte de stærke sider i Intel GPU'en, samtidig med at du kan spille hardcore 3D spil.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Her giver jeg det et 5 tal. Virtu chippen trækker langt op. Der er også mulighed for touch BIOS, og med INTEL's nye chipsæt er der mulighed for både overclocking og brug af grafikchippen i CPU'en.
Design/Layout - 4
Her får kortet 4. Der er utrolig god plads omkring CPU soklen og soklerne til udvidelseskortene er placeret fornuftigt. Den mørke farve med sorte sokler og grå køleprofiler giver kortet et lidt mere råt udseende end vi er vante til fra Gigabytes hånd, men det klæder elektronikken meget godt.
Software/BIOS - 4
Nu fik jeg desværre ikke mulighed for at prøve den nye touch BIOS, da det ikke fulgte med i pakken og desuden kræver en touchscreen. Gigabytes standard BIOS virker fint og overskuelig som sædvanlig. Derudover er EasyTune6 et fantastisk program. Det er en alt-i-en løsning hvor der er mulighed for at overvåge temperature, overclocke og se et CPU-Z lignende billede hvor man får masser af informationer.
Ydelse - 5
Der er masser af krudt i bundkortet. Grundydelsen er rigtig fin og det lader til at Z68's overclocking potentiale kan matche P67. I vores test fik vi relativt ubesværet vores 2500K CPU op og spille på 5,1 GHz.
Pris - 3
Bundkortet ser ud til at komme til at koste i omegnen af DKR 1500,-. Ud over Z68 chipsættet og de muligheder det giver, får du Virtu chippen med oveni, så alt i alt ligner det en fair pris. Det er dog lidt tidligt at sige noget reelt om prisniveauet endnu, så jeg holder mig lidt konservativt på en 3'er.
UK summary
This has been our first look at the new Z68 chipset in action, and it looks as if Intel got it right this time around. Some interresting features have been added, and you are now able to utilize the power of both the CPU and GPU, plus overclocking. I have to say that I am really impressed of how much you get from the overclock. There is a lot of power and even though the board isn't filled with a lot of VRM modules to deliver power to the CPU, it overclocks very well. Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3 has been fitted with the new Lucidlogix Virtu chip, that allows you to combine the power of the Intel GPU with a PCI-E graphics adapter.
Innovation/Technology - 5
I give the board 5 here. The Virtu chip pulls the score up. There is the option for touch BIOS and with INTEL's newest chipset the doors are open for overclocking and the use the integrated graphics in the CPU.
Design/Layout - 4
Here I give the board 4. There is extreme good space around the CPU socket, and the placement of the PCI and PCI-E sockets makes good sense. The dark colored PCB with black sockets and grey heatsinks, give the board a tougher look than we are used to from Gigabyte.
Software/BIOS - 4
Sadly I didn't get to test the touch BIOS, since it did not come with our testsample, and also requires a touchscreen. The standard Gigabyte BIOS wors wery well and is easy to work with when overclocking and tweaking the system. You also get EasyTune6 which is an all-in-one solution, where you are able to watch temperatures, overclock and see a CPU-Z like picture where you get a lot of informations. I give the board 4 here since it looks like you will have to install the touch BIOS yourself.
Performance - 5
There is a lot of performance in this board. The basic performance is on par with its H/P67 predecessors, and thankfully the overclocking abilities are intact. In our test we had our 2500K up and running at 5,1GHz with little efford.
Price - 3
It looks like this board will come at a price of DKK 1500,-. For that you get the Virtu chip, INTEL's brand new Z68 chipset and very good performance when overclocking. All in all I think it is a fair price, but it is still a little early to compare pricetags with other brands, so I am going to give a conservative 3 points.
Test: Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 84% |
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