
Bundkortet her var der ingen store vanskeligheder med. Der var dog problemet med overclock, men 5.1Ghz er slet ikke så skidt endda. ASUS har formået at proppe næsten alle funktionerne fra Extreme bundkortet ned til et mATX bundkort.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Z68 chipsettet giver mulighed for både overclock og brug af den onboard grafikchip, hvilket også giver mulighed for en Virtu chip. Jeg synes det er ret utroligt at ASUS har fået proppet stort set alle funktionerne fra det større Extreme bundkort ned på dette lille mATX, så kortet er stadig spækket med funktioner.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Der følger ikke helt så meget med som der gør i det større Extreme bundkort, men der er stadig en hel masse i kassen, meget mere end hvad der normalt forventes at være med et bundkort.
Design/Layout - 4
Det er svært at placere tingene bedre på kortet da det er så lille. Man kunne måske godt have flyttet soklen er smule mere mod I/O panelet for at gøre plads til større kølere, men som det er nu er det også helt fint.
Software/BIOS - 5
Generelt så virker alt det medfølgende software rigtig godt. ROG connect er virkelig lækkert at have og gør overclock meget nemmere. BIOS er utrolig lækker at arbejde med, og der er rigtig mange funktioner at stille på.
Ydelse - 5
Ydelsen matcher stort set det større Extreme bundkort, og har næsten samme overclocks potentiale. Generelt så er ydelsen rigtig god for sådan et lille bundkort.
Pris - 3
1300kr. er faktisk ikke helt værst, men det er selvfølgelig stadig meget for et lille uATX bundkort. Jeg holder på en 3'er her.
UK summary

There was no troubles with this motherboard during this test. However, there was the problem when overclocking, but 5.1Ghz is not bad at all. ASUS has managed to cram almost all the features of the Extreme motherboard down to a mATX motherboard.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The Z68 chipset allows both overclocking and the use of the onboard graphics chip, which also allows the posibility for the Virtu chip. I think it is pretty incredible that ASUS has packed almost all the features of the larger Extreme motherboard down on this little mATX.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
There is not as much in the bundle as there is with the Extreme motherboard, but there is still a lot in the box, much more than what is normally expected to come with a motherboard.
Design/Layout - 4
It will be hard to place the things better on this board because it is so small. They could have moved the socket slightly more towards the I/O panel to make more room for large cooler, but as it is now, it is not bad at all.
Software/BIOS - 5
Generally all the software included works really well. ROG connect is really nice to have and makes overclock much easier. The BIOS is incredibly nice to work with, and it has a lot of features.
Performance - 5
The performance roughly matches the larger Extreme motherboard, and almost has the same overclocking potential. Overall the performance is very good for such a small board.
Price - 3
1300kr. is actually not that bad, but it is still a lot for a small mATX motherboard. I give 3 points here.
Test: Asus Maximus IV GENE-Z
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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