ASUS nyeste bundkort i Sabertooth serien er et lækkert middelklasse bundkort. Det ser godt ud og har en masse features. Om man kan lide designet, er en smags sag men jeg synes at det ser super lækkert ud. Bundkortet er spækket med Military class componenter så nu har du ikke nogen undskyldning for ikke at tage dette bundkort med dig, når du skal på ferie i Sahara eller Amazonas Jungle.

Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Der er ikke meget nyt med dette nye chipsæt og bundkort. Den største forskel er at der er kommet understøttelse for både SLI og CF. En anden fordel er at man kan smide de kommende FX CPU'er i bundkortet unden en BIOS opdatering.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
En efterhånden standard bundle. Dog er den blevet opgraderet lidt med et bevis for de komponenter der er blevet brugt er af høj kvalitet. Beviset viser også at bundkortet er blevet gennemtestet for alt, lige fra lodningerne til temperatur udsving.
Design/Layout - 3
Et anderledes bundkort, i en tid hvor alle vil have sorte ensfarvede bundkort. Dog synes jeg at farverne er lidt for spraglede. Hvis de skulle have taget det hele vejen skulle de have lavet en rigtig camouflage maling og ikke bare komponenter i forskellig farve. Jeg ville også mene at man hurtigt vil få problemer med den store MOSFET og nordbro køler, hvis man skal bruge den øverste PCI-E x16 sokkel.
BIOS - 3
På dette bundkort er der kommet en ny form for bios. Dette betyder at man nu kan benytte musen i den. Ud over det er den også blevet mere grafisk. Dette er både godt og dårligt. Faktisk kunne jeg bedre lide den gamle udgave hvor man bare brugt tastaturet, det føles hurtigere. Ud over det så skal man kligge 3 forskellige steder med musen for overhoved at komme ind i den menu hvor man kan overclocke. Det gode ved denne nye bios er udseneet, hvad end man så skal men en pæn bios?
Ydelse - 3
Dette bundkort yder ganske fint. Det yder lige en tand bedre end de bundkort det er blevet testet op imod. Derfor får dette bundkort et 3 tal. Dog er det ikke noget vildt ydelses boost ved bare at skifte bundkort. Forhåbentlig kommer det med den nye processor genneration.
Pris - 3
Prisen for bundkortet er i skrivende stund DKR 1500,-. Det er i sig selv en ganske fin pris men hvis man kigger på andre 990FX bundkort, så får man for ganske få kroner mere en større bundle samt et federe bundkort, med flere features.

UK summary
The newest motherboard in the Sabertooth series, is a nice middleclass motherboard. It looks good and has a lot of cool features. The design is an individual opinion, but I think that it looks great. The motherboard is packed with military class components so now you haven’t got an excuse for not bringing this motherboard, when you are going on holiday in Sahara or the Amazone Jungle.
Innovation/Technology - 3
There is not a lot of news with this new chipset and motherboard. The biggest difference is the support for both SLI and CF. An other advantage is that you can use this motherboard with the upcomming FX CPU's without a BIOS update.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
This bundle is what I would call a standard bundle. You get only the absolutely necessary to get the motherboard running. But this bundle has been upgraded a bit with a certificate that proves that this motherboard has been tested for everything like the solder joints and how it works in cold and hot temperatures.
Design/Layout - 3
A different motherboard, in a time where everybody wants black one colored motherboards. But I think that the colors is a bit to gaudy. If this motherboard should had taken the TUF look all the way ASUS should had painted the whole motherboard I camouflage colors and not just the components. Another thing is the fact that the big MOSFET and northbridge cooler might come in the way of the upper PCI-E x16 lane.
BIOS - 3
This moterboard has got a new type of bios. This means that one now can use the mouse in it. Besides that, it has also become more graphical. This is both good and bad. Actually I liked the old bios better because it felt faster. And on the new bios you have to click 3 different places to get to the overclocking menu. On the positive side is that it is better looking, but what use is that fore?
Performance - 3
This motherboard performs pretty good. It is performing just a bit better than the motherboards that it has been tested up again That’s why this motherboard gets 3. But there is no wild performance boost just by changing the motherboard. But hopefully it will come with the new processor generation.
Price - 3
The price for this motherboard is right now DKK 1500,-. This is a very good price but if you look at the price on other motherboards you will get a bigger bundle and a motherboard with more features for just a few hundred DKK more.
Test: Asus Sabertooth 990FX
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 60% |
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