
Jeg har været supertilfreds med dette bundkort, det har kørt perfekt under hele testperioden og der er næsten uendelige muligheder for at skrue og pille, på de forskellige instillinger i Bios og så afgjort også ved hjælp af den medfølgende pænt store software pakke. Der er mange specielle features som man kan yderligere fordybe sig i og teknologien er ihvertfald da helt fremme i skoene. Med Thunderbolt stikkene onboard bliver det sikkert med til at sætte standarden for nye generationer motherboards.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Her kan det kun blive til et 4 tal da kortet mangler en del features fra highend boardene.Hele pakken, både bundkort, tilbehør og software er dog ganske fortrinlig.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er hvad der skal bruges til dette kort men en smule mere ville ikke have skadet f.eks en USB3 breakout box. Selvfølgelig kan man sige at bundkortet i forvejen har masser af USB3 porte, men alligevel når nu der er et stik til det, så skal det bruges.Derudover kunne pakken måske også have indeholdt et kabel fra Thunderbolt til en skærm, så man med det samme kunne afprøve disse porte.
Design/Layout - 5
Super design og lækkert Layout, det kan ikke gøres bedre. Jeg er specielt glad for dette design,da jeg ikke er til alt for vilde farver. Det er selvfølgelig meget subjektivt vurderet fra min side, men hele bundkortet kommer til at fremstå meget neutralt og professionelt i udseendet.
Software/BIOS - 5
Fin softwarepakke der er med her, ikke noget overfødigt bras, men bestemt relevante programmer. Det nye 3D powerprogram skal nok blive brugt flittigt rundt omkring er jeg meget sikker på, da man så er fri for at gå i BIOS for at give lidt mere power hist og her.
Ydelse -4
Superydelse i forhold til det højere rangerende UD5H board, men helt highend er det jo ikke. Når man tager i betragtning at man med dette kort, faktisk har mulighed for at tilslutte helt op til 3 skærme og en masse ydre enheder som harddiske til Thunderbolt, ja så er det jo ret så heftigt et system man kan få i luften på kort tid.
Pris - 3
Jeg synes godt nok prisen er noget voldsom, men ok vil man have et kort med de sidste nye funktioner som Thunderbolt, ja så koster det jo altså.
UK summary

I have been supersatisfied with this motherboard, it has performed flawlessly under the testperiod and there are almost neverending possibillities to adjust and tune the varies settings in the BIOS and certainly also by the help of the included rather great software package. There are a lot of features to investigate further on this board and the technology is absolutely on the front edge. With the onboard Thunderbolt connectors this board will probably set the standard of future motherboard generations.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Here i can only give it a 4, as the board is missing a lot of features from the Highend boards.The whole package though, both motherboard, assesories and software is very well indeed.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
What you need for the board is included, however a bit more like a breakoutbox for the onboard USB 3 connector would have been nice. Ofcourse you could say that the motherboard has a lot of USB 3 ports onboard, never the less if there is a connector on the board it really should be used. Apart from that the bundle might also have included a cabel from the Thunderbolt connector to a monitor, so that one imidiately could test the Thunderbolt interface.
Design/Layout - 5
Super nice Design and Layout, nothing to improve here. I am particularly happy with this design, since i really are not into bright colours. Ofcourse this is a very subjective opinion, on my behalf, but as a whole the motherboard stands out in a very neutral and professional appearence.
Software/BIOS - 5
Nice software package that is included, no junksoftware here, but certainly most relevant programs. I am very convinced that the software 3D Power program will be frequently used by many, as it spares you for several visits to BIOS if you need a little additional power now and then.
Performance - 4
Super performance especially compared to the higher ranking UD5H board. Considering that you with this motherboard, is able to connect up to 3 monitors and a lot of external units like harddrives to Thunderbolt, then by all means you can really get airborne with a powerfull system in a short amount of time and effort.
Price - 3
I do find the price somewhat high, but on the other hand if you really want to put your hands on the very latest features and technology, you have to pay for it.
Test: Gigabyte Z77X-UP4TH
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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