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Mit sidste møde med Sapphire var knap så godt. Deres ToXic X700PRO ydede højst mærkværdigt, men med deres X800XL Ultimate er der kommet andre kort på bordet. Ydelsen er igen i top og overgår på underlig vis et tilsvarende X800XL, dog med en nyere driver.
Den store nyhed ved Ultimate kortet er dog VF700 kølere, som er leveret fra Zalman. Køleren er yderst stille og udviser samtidig en god køleevne, så den kan absolut anbefales. Det eneste kritikpunkt er prisen, da man kan købe et Sapphire X800XL non-Ultimate plus en separat Zalman VF700 for mindre end et Sapphire X800XL Ultimate, men det skyldes muligvis, at kortet ikke er kommet til Danmark endnu.
Da jeg tidligere testede Asus' Extreme AX800XL tildelte jeg det en Excellent Product Award. Denne gang leverer Sapphire en tand bedre ydelse og et meget lavere støjniveau. Der er trods alt merprisen for køleren, der skal tages med i overvejelserne, men jeg kan vel ikke andet end også uddele en Excellent Producent Award til Sapphires X800XL Ultimate:
Positivt God ydelse. Meget lavt støjniveau. Negativt (Mer)prisen.
UK Conclusion
My last meeting with Sapphire wasn't as good as it could have been. Their ToXic X700PRO had a very weird performance, but with their X800XL Ultimate the situation is different. The performance is once again at it's best and by some odd coincidence it manages to outperform a similar X800XL, allthough with a newer driver. The big thing about the Ultimate card is the VF700 cooler, which is supplied by Zalman. The cooler is almost noiseless and offers good cooling at the same time; I have no doubts about recommending this cooler. The only point of critique is the price, as you can buy a Sapphire X800XL non-Ultimate and a separately sold Zalman VF700 for less than the price of the Sapphire X800XL Ultimate, but it might be because of the fact, that the card has not yet arrived in the danish market.
When I earlier tested the Asus Extreme AX800XL I gave it an Excellent Product Award. This time Sapphire delivers a performance which is a bit better and at a much lower noise level. There is, after all, the extra price for the cooler to take in consideration, but I think there's no other way out for me, than to give an Excellent Product Award to Sapphire's X800XL Ultimate too:
Positive Good performance. Very low noise level. Negative The (extra) price.