
Så er vi nået til vejs ende med HIS HD 7950 IceQ kortet. Ydelsen på den fabriksoverclockede 7950 chip ligger meget tæt på GTX 660 Ti i de syntetiske benchmarks. Men når vi kigger på de spilbaserede benchmarks er HD 7950 i mange tilfælde hurtigere.
Køleren er bedre end de fleste standardkølere og har ingen problemer med at holde chippen kold uden for meget larm. Men den er ikke i samme liga som Gigabyte og Inno3D kølerne, som formår at levere rigtig god køling uden at støje.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
HD 7950 er det nyeste fra AMD med 28nm produktionsteknologi og Core Next arkitekturen. Ligeledes sørger hele 3GB RAM for, at kortet ikke løber tør for hukommelse. Derudover har GCN arkitekturen en masse plads til overclocking.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Ja meget fulgte der ikke med, en converter til VGA, CrossfireX bro og Driver CD. Det er en standard bundle til kort i den billigere ende, hvor prisen helst ikke skal hives op af tilbehør.
Design/Layout - 3
IceQ køleren er blevet pænere i den nye generation og har ikke problemer med at køle chippen. Dog mener jeg at køleren skulle have været mere støjsvag. Derfor lander vi kun på en 3'er.
Software/BIOS - 3
Kortet benytter AMD's standard drivere som fungerer ganske fortrinligt.
Ydelse - 4
HD 7950 chippen har masser af power og giver mulighed for overclocking. I spilbenchmarks er 7950 gennemgående hurtigere end GTX 660 Ti og yder til tider bedre end GTX 670. Af denne grund modtager HD 7950 et lille 4-tal.
Pris - 3
HIS HD 7950 koster 2560.- kr. dette placere HiS kortet sammen med de bedste kølere til HD 7950. Vi har i en tidligere artikel kigget på Asus DC2 køleren, som ikke kun var meget effektiv men også meget stille og den koster det samme som HIS køleren. Ligeledes syntes jeg ikke at IceQ køleren støjer meget mindre end stock køleren. Vi lander derfor på 3 point.
UK summary

This concluded the HD 7950 IceQ test. The performance of the factory overclocked 7950 chip brings it very close to the GTX 660 Ti in the synthetic benchmarks. But when we take a look at the game-based benchmarks, HD 7950 is often faster.
The cooler is superior to most standard coolers and has no problems keep the chip cold without too much noise. But it is not in the same league as the Gigabyte and Inno3D coolers, which are able to deliver excellent cooling without noise.
Innovation/Technology - 5
HD 7950 is the latest from AMD with 28nm production technology and the Core Next architecture. In addition, 3GB RAM ensures that the card does not run out of memory. Furthermore, the GCN architecture leaves a lot of space for overclocking.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Not much is included: A VGA converter, a CrossfireX bridge and a driver CD. This is a standard bundle for cards in the low end, where the price should not be raised due to accessories.
Design/Layout - 3
The IceQ cooler is better looking in its new generation and it has not the same problems cooling the chip. I think that the cooler should make less noise, however. This is why we end up with 3 points.
Software/BIOS - 3
The card uses the AMD standard driver which works nicely. This gives us 3 points.
Performance - 4
The HD 7950 chip has lots of power and opens up for overclocking. In the game-based benchmarks, the 7950 is generally faster than GTX 660 Ti and performs sometimes better than GTX 670. For this reason, HD 7950 receives 4 points (with an down arrow).
Price - 3
The HIS HD 7950 price tag is 2560.- DKK. This places HiS card in the segment together with the best coolers for HD 7950. In a previous article, we took a look at the Asus DC2 cooler, which not only was much more effective, but also very quiet - and the price is identical to the HIS cooler. In addition, I do not find that the IceQ cooler is less noisy than the stock cooler.
Test: HIS 7950 IceQ Boost Clock
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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