
Konklusionen på denne Notebook 3565B fra MM Vision bliver naturligvis præget meget af min personlige mening om produktet, som jeg finder meget velfungerende og gennemgående præget af en høj grad af kvalitet. Jeg synes at konceptet minder meget om det hedengangne Zepto's, men i så fald har MM Vision dog opfundet det mange år før Zepto. Koncept: Man finder en god producent af en barebone notebook, og lader så kunderne vælge hvad den skal bestå af, rent CPU, HDD / SSD og RAMmæssigt. Da denne model er specielt fremstillet til forretningsmanden on the move, er der ikke lagt den store vægt på Gaming og 3D delen, da den "kun" er udstyret med Intel processorens indbyggede grafik. Jeg synes også at det er lidt ekstra guf, at man har kunnet klemme det hele ned i nogle ydre dimensioner, så den mere minder om en ultrabook. Det er også lækkert med det rimeligt store batteri der følger med, med 6 celler og ret god kapacitet.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Tilbehøret er der ikke så meget at sige om. Der er lige nøjagtigt hvad der skal bruges, til at få notebooken i luften. Fint, at der medfølger en DVD med drivere til alle systemets devices. Recovery DVD'en er også en rar ting at have liggende hvis det hele en dag går ned. Quick guiden er også helt fin til at komme hurtigt og præcist omkring en beskrivelse af funktionstaster og notebookens mange forskellige stik og knapper.
Design/Layout - 3
Designet synes jeg egentlig fremstår ganske stilrent, og at den er tofarvet bryder lidt det monotome sorte look som mange andre bærbare fremstår i. Det er også ret fikst at det ganske gode tastatur er forsænket i overdelen. Jeg er også ret vild med den lidt meget fint riflede overflade på toppen.
Software - 3
På softwaresiden er der præcis hvad der er nødvendigt for at blive godt kørende med denne notebook.
Ydelse - 4
Jeg synes bestemt at denne notebook, som jo er beregnet til folk indenfor alle brancher, yder superfint i forhold til de andre maskiner, jeg har testet den mod. Jeg er ikke specielt skuffet over grafikdelen af samme grund. Det er en all round arbejdshest til folk som skal bruge en pålidelig notebook i hverdagen. At den så også ville kunne tilfredsstille mig i min hverdag, da jeg ikke stiller de store krav til grafik (på en bærbar), er jo en anden sag.
Pris - 3
Prisen er efter min mening ganske rimelig, når der skæves til hvad den indeholder af hardware og styresystem.
UK summary

The conclusion on this notebook 3565B from MM Vision is of course a little coloured and charatirized by my personal opinion about this product. I find it to be very vell functioning and generally characterized by a high degree of quality. I do find that the basic idea is very like that of the long gone Zepto, however MM Vision has invented this idea many years ahead of Zepto. Concept: You find a very good producer of a barebone norebook and let the customers deside what it should consists of internally, such as CPU,HDD / SSD and RAM. This 3565B is especially dedicated to the businessman on the move, and that's of course why no effort has been put into the gaming and 3D hardware, since it is only equpped with the Intel Processors built in graphics. I do find that it as a little extra bonus to see that the manufacturer has been able to squeeze it all down into a very little physical size, so that it reminds much more of an ultrabook... very nice. It is also very nice to see that a battery with 6 cells and a good capacity is included.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is realy not much to be said about the accessories. It contains exactly what is needed to get the notebook running. Nice to see that it has a driver DVD for all devises on the system. The recovery DVD is indeed a very nice thing to have lying around in case the notebook crashes at some point in time. The quickguide takes a quick but precise tour around the notebbok's functionkeys, connectors and buttons.
Design/Layout - 3
The design is appearing rather stylish and the fact that it has two colours kind of breaks the ordinary black appearence of many other notebooks. It is also rather neat that the good keyboard is recessed in the chassistop. I am very excited about the knurled surface on the top.
Software - 3
With regards to the supplied software you get exactly what you need to get this notebook running.
Performance - 4
I do find that this notebook, which is dedicated to businesspeople in many different industries, is performing very nice compared to the notebooks that I have tested it against. For the same reason, I am not especially disappointed about the graphics part. This notebook is a workhorse to people that needs a reliable notebook in the daily life. The fact that it also will be fully able to satisfy me in the daily life, since I do not look for super high graphics performance (from a notebook), is by all means a different matter.
Price - 3
I do find the price to be rather fair, especially if you take a glance at both the hardware and software included.
Test: Vision B-Series B3565
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 64% |
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