Lyd d. 20. juni. 2013, skrevet af Bonghætte 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 7788 gange.
Zoro Wireless byder på svagt mere mudret lyd end Zoro HD,som vi tidligere har haft inde til test, men man kan dog redde det med en equalizer. Herefter har der intet problem været med lyden, som nemmest kan beskrives som relativt neutral med et strejf af moderne bas. Med trådløs tilslutning har jeg oplevet et par udfald med mobiltelefonen i lommen under en gå-tur, men den indbyggede forstærker i ørekopperne overrasker meget, da den spiller overraskende godt og højt. Købere af dette produkt vil helt sikkert ikke blive skuffet over selve ydelsen, men jeg havde gerne set, at lydsignaturen ikke var så mudret og basinspireret fra start af. At brugeren aktivt skal ind og ændre i en equalizer for at få det til at spille så godt, som det kan, er altså ikke helt acceptabelt.
Zoro Wireless offers a slightly muddier sound experience than the Zoro HD we have had the pleasure of testing, but the Zoro Wireless can be saved with an equalizer. After equalizing there has been no problem with the sound, which is best described as relatively neutral with a touch of modern bass. I have experienced a few drop-outs with the wireless connectivity with the connected phone in my pocket in my pants during walks, but the built-in amplifier plays surprisingly well and loud. Buyers of this product will definitely not be disappointed with the produkt itsels, but I would have liked if the sound signature wasn't so muddy and bassy 'out of the box'. The fact that this product requires its user to actively engage in changing settings in an equalizer for it to sound good is not completely acceptable. The microphone simply doesn't work, but calls go through it, making it a hassle to disconnect the headphones just to take a call.
Innovation/Technology - 3
Wireless Bluetooth connectivity and a good amplifier is definitely a welcome sight, but is neither innovative nor a technological advancement.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
A storage bag, a manual, a charging cable and even a cable for wired connection. It's nice to be able to use the headphones when the battery is dead, but it's such a shame that no real charger is included in the bundle.
Design/Layout - 4
Making a few adjustments to an already well recognized design, and not failing completely at it is very plausible. The buttons for wireless controls are neatly tucked away behind the ears and takes up only a bit of space. I would have liked if the blue LED on the left side was not there at all though, or at least if it was hidden away in the cup instead.
Performance - 2
After a trip through an equalizer, these headphones sound quite decent, but they are moderately muddy out of the box. Bluetooth connection had a few drop-outs durings walks, but the amplifier makes the headphones play louder and cleaner than if they were wired directly to my cell phone.
Price - 2
Just around 900 DKK is asked for these headphones, making them sit in an uncomfortable situation where potential buyers might as well fork out the bit of extra cash needed for headphones of a genuinely recognized brand here in the west, which they surely will prefer over something that looks like a chinese copy-product. The logo and brand of Noontec simply cannot carry such a high price despite offering an equivalent, or even superior product compared to, for example, the Beats Solo. Being wireless or not.
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 2 |
Pris | 2 |
Samlet | 60% |