
Konkluderende må jeg sige at dette kabinet nok primært er tiltænkt folk som på den ene side gerne vil have noget military udtryk og som samtidig vil have et godt og billigt kabinet med for samme pris. Og det må man sige de får. Kvaliteten er gennemgående rimelig høj som vi er blevet vandt til fra Antec, men der mangler nogle af Performance One seriens dyder hist og her, men ok prisen er også en helt anden. Det har kørt på mit skrivebord en uges tid som almindelig arbejdspc og jeg har derfor kun haft blæserne kørende på Low og i den indstilling støjer kabinettet nu ikke specielt meget mere end mit eget P280. Når man sætter hastigheden op stiger støjen kun lidt og det må siges at det stadig er et "Quiet" kabinet.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Der er i dette kabinet ikke tale om de helt store nytænkninger, men Antec må alligevel have ment at der er et marked for dette militær udtryk. Lidt nyt er der i form af fjedrene som holder frontens 5,25" dækplader på plads og det lidt rå udtryk i at I/O pladen og affyrings knappen til højre for, begge er nittet fast på toppen af kabinettet.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Her er kun lige akkurat hvad der skal bruges og jeg manglede skruer til ekstra blæsere. Quick Guiden der medfølger synes jeg er alt for utilstrækkelig selvom der er en online manual tilgængelig. Men fint nok at der er vedlagt 5 plast strips.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er et spøgrsmål om smag hvorvidt man lige er til militærudtrykket. Personligt synes jeg at det bestemt ikke er det grimmeste jeg har set på den front. Layoutmæssigt er der ikke det helt vilde og nye. Der er grænser for hvor lange GFXkort der kan isættes da man ikke kan fjerne et harddisk bur for hele højre siden er et stort harddisk bur.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelse må siges at ligge i den pæne ende da Antec har valgt at lægge 2 140 mm blæsere i kabinettet foruden 120 mm blæseren bagpå så der er et fint luftflow igennem frontens filter.
Pris - 4
Prisen må siges at være et absolut plus, for billigere kan man da ikke producere et Midi Tower med så mange features.
UK summary

I must say that this case primarily is dedicated to people that on one hand likes the military expression and on the other hand would like a very cheap case with lots of features in the same bundle. And that is really what you get here. The quality is rather high, as we are in the habit of seeing from Antec, but still I am missing some of the Performance One series features and solutions, but alright then the price would of course have been somewhat different. This case has been running on my desktop with hardware for approx. a week as a normal workstation that is why I have only tested the fans for longer periods when running in the Low setting. However I was impressed by the fact that the GX 700 did not make much more noise than my own P280 case. When setting the fans to medium or high the noise will of course increase a little, but still it is a please to have standing beside you on the desktop and still what you can call "quiet".
Innovation/Technology - 3
Not really many new thoughts has been put into this case, however Antec must have relied on a market for this military expression. A little news in the shape of the springs that hold the metal cover plates on the fronts 5,25" drive holders, and the somewhat rough expression in the way both the I/O and launch button holder is riveted onto the top.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
In the accessories you only find what is absolute necessary to install the hardware and I did miss screws for the extra fans. The Quick Guide included I do find very inadequate even though an online version is available. Very nice to see 5 plastic strips included.
Design/Layout - 4
The Design is as always a matter of opinion whether you like the military look or not, personally I find that this look on this case is not the ugliest thing I have seen to date. Layout vice there really is much new things. This case is restricted to only hold GFX cards in a certain length (11,5") to be exact, since there are no hard drive cage to remove as the entire right side is reserved for the 3,5"drive holders.
Performance - 4
The performance is quiet nice, since Antec has chosen to install two 140 mm fans in the case besides the 120mm fan in the rear, so the resulting airflow is very nice through the fronts filter.
Price - 4
The price for this case is absolutely a surplus, for you really cannot manufacture a Midi ATX case much cheaper and with so many features for less.
Test: Antec GX 700 kabinet
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 72% |
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