Grafikkort, NVIDIA d. 03. oktober. 2016, skrevet af Gripen90 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 20013 gange.
GIGABYTE GTX 1070 G1 Gaming er både et fantastisk hurtigt og støjsvagt grafikkort, og det vil helt sikkert kunne tilfredstille de flestes ønsker om at spille med 60+ FPS i alle de nyeste titler i både 1080p og 1440p. Kortets køler er effektiv og holder GPUen i et respektabelt temperaturleje til hver en tid, ønsker man mere køling er der intet i vejen for selv at lave en fankurve hvis man medtager lidt ekstra støj, men det er igen ikke meget. RGB lys er der også massere af, og lyset styres fra Xtreme softwaren og helt slukkes hvis man ikke er til den slags. Dog ville det have været rart hvis, der var intern hukommelse til LED lyset, så det gemte ens presets når PC'en er slukket.
Alt i alt er det et rigtig godt kort, hvor den eneste svaghed består i selve plastikrammen, der virker noget skrøbelig. Dog er det nok er de færreste der tager kortet ud og ind af computeren, og når det først er installeret får det lov at sidde længe.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Pascal byder på den nyeste teknologi fra NVIDIA. Vi er nu nede i 14nm produktionsteknik, der er 8 GB GDDR5 RAM på kortet og chippen kan overclockes til over 2000 MHz uden problemer. Det er et godt grundlag for GTX 1070, som giver en flot ydelse med lav wattforbrug.
GIGABYTE GTX 1070 G1 Gaming is a fanstastic fast and silent card, and it will defintely satisfy the needs of die hard gamers wanting 60+ FPS in the latest titles in 1080p and 1440p. The cooler is very effective og keeps the GPU on a very respectable temperature level, and if you want better cooling performance you can simply make your own fan curve with only a little extra noise level punishment. RGB colours are there plenty of and is controlled by the Xtreme software and can be turned off completely. However it would be nice with a dedicated memory SRAM on the card so it would save the last chosen colour scheme instead of relying on the software at boot.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Pascal offers the latest technology from NVIDIA and we are now seeing 14nm productions. With 8 GB DDR5 RAM and a chipset that happily goes above 200MHz without any issues, we have a great foundation in a PC with the GTX 1070 which offers stunning performance at low power consumption.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
One has to look far to see any kind of bundle, however these days the standard seems to be the same among other manufacturers, we just get at quick guide and a driver CD.
Design/Layout - 4
The card has an exceptional capable cooler with an aggressive roar. With fans turning on at 59°C and RGB control the card offers some nice features. The only downside which makes the card fall short of maximum points is the plastic frame around the card. It just feels too fragile and that is a real shame when GIGABYTE made such a good job of the rest.
Software - 5
Stable performance all across the range of tests. If you want to overclock GIGABYTE offers their own Xtreme software when you can change every setting and control fan curves and RGB lighting.
Performance - 4
4 points! there is currently nothing a GTX 1070 doesn't handle in 2560x1440 144Hz gaming. We had zero problems in the testet games and the immersion level was spotless. With a bit of overclocking there was more performance in sight and was painless to overclock - it's almost a sin not to make use of the extra percentages.
Price - 3
At the time of writing the price is about 3500 DKK which places the card in the reasonable price range of GTX 1070's. The price fits the performance and if the card has an appearance than fits your taste, then you cannot go wrong with the GIGABYTE GTX 1070 G1 Gaming.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
Samlet | 76% |