Man kan diskutere i meget lang tid, om man synes Sennheisers valg har været rigtige i forhold til deres HD 800S mod deres ældre HD 800. De er begge fantastiske hovedtelefoner, hvor man, uanset hvad man vælger, får fantastisk lyd for pengene. Jeg selv står med lidt blandede følelse her til sidst i min test session, da begge hovedtelefoner gør det helt fantastisk, bare på hver deres måde. Toppen hos HD 800 er jeg utroligt glad for, hvor jeg synes, at HD 800S er lidt for afdæmpet til min diskant-elskende-hjerne. Bassen derimod, er jeg mere til HD 800S, da min musiksmag gør sig godt med dét mere tyngde jeg finder i dem, fremfor den hurtige lette bas fra HD 800. Oplevelsen bliver bare mere musikalsk og mere medgørlig i længere lytte sessions. Vokaler og instrumenter står lige fint i begge hovedtelefoner, og er en fryd for øret.
Det er en lækker hovedtelefon, både lydmæssigt, men også udseendes mæssig. At Sennheiser har skiftet den grå farve ud med et flot sort finish, gør ikke spor. Hvad jeg nok havde set af ændringer, var kablet, som jeg egentligt ikke bryder mig om – især ikke til en hovedtelefon af den kaliber. Godt nok er kablet pænt, men det er noget stift i det.
Til sidst er der ikke andet at sige end, at HD 800S er en fantastisk hovedtelefon. Hvis jeg stod mellem at skulle købe HD 800 og HD 800S, ville jeg tage sidstnævnte, da den passer noget bedre til min musiksmag.

One can discuss in a very long time if the choices Sennheiser has made have been correct in relation to their HD 800S against their older HD 800. They are both amazing headphones, where no matter what you choose will give you great sound quality for the money. I have some mixed feelings here at the end of my test session, as both headphones do an amazing job, just in different ways. I really enjoy the treble on the HD 800, as with the HD 800S is a little too mellow for my treble-loving brain. The bass on the other hand I’m more into the HD 800S when it comes to be musically, because of the increase in weight. The experience is just more musically presented and more amenable for long listening sessions. Vocals and instruments are identical in the two and is pleasing to my ears.
It’s a delicious headphone, both sonically, but also in appearance. The only changed made on the appearance is the color, where the HD 800 is light grey, and the HD 800S is black. Something I would have liked changed would be the cable. It’s simply too stiff for my taste, though the quality is top notch. A headphone for that amount of cash could need a more flexible cable. It’s a nice cable, and the materials are great too, but the stiff cable sad.
Finally, there’s nothing more to say than that HD 800S is a great headphone. If I stood between having to buy either the HD 800 or the HD 800S, I would buy the last mentioned.
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