Billede fra geilusa.com
Ganske udmærkede ram. De kan dog ikke overclocke det mindste, og jeg ser bestemt ingen grund til at betale for køle løsningen. Køling er slet ikke nødvendigt, med mindre man forventer at runde de 1000 MHz. Selv der, kan man godt klare sig uden køling.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Der er ikke rigtigt noget nyskabende i de her blokke. Det er DDR2, som jo egentligt er på vej ud, men DDR3 er stadig for dyre og de yder ikke ret meget bedre end DDR2.
Design/Layout - 4
Det fåes vist ikke meget flottere! Den kulsorte farve er lige mig! Og så ser de jo ellers ret heftige ud. Selv boksen de kommer i er flot. Dog syntes jeg ikke man skal vælge ram ud fra hvor flotte de er. Men måske det modsatte. Hvis de nu var lyserøde.... eller noget.
Ydelse - 2
I forhold til frekvensen, yder de ca. som alle andre blokke ved den frekvens, og de render ikke særligt hurtigt. Der er desuden ingen reelle muligheder for overclocking.
Pris - 1
Prisen lyder på 1499,- kr. hvilket er dyrt. Jeg ville hellere spare et par kroner, og undvære køleren, som alligevel er ubrugelig ved de her hastigheder. Man kan få Corsair ram med samme specifikationer, fra 650 kr.! Jeg ser køleren som design, og intet andet. Det er nok mere aktuelt i den hurtigere udgave på 1066 mhz.
GeIL forsvarer selv prisen med følgende forklaring:
We treat EVO ONE as an advance of Black Dragon, which are focus on gaming
series, EVO ONE use 8 layers and IC is requested to be stable as Black
Dragon, so we have to make special sorting for EVO ONE to stabilize the
mother board as well as PC, that is why we use Copper heat pipe, its
function is to lead out the heat from each IC chip, also there has liquid
inside of Copper in order to activate the heat and result in gasify reaction
from liquid ;moreover, the fin will present "wind tunnel" when use dual/quad
channel, the wind tunnel will also bring the heat off, that is why we call
EVO ONE is" Complete Cooling System Design"; compare to Corsair, they just
use Dual path, which use 2 layers in heat spreader, it is not enough when PC
in high speed running.
If you check high-end of mother board such as Asus Commando...,you can easy
to find that these mother boards also have copper heat pipe and fin builds
on mother board, it is costly so you may not find from normal mother board.
Billede fra geilusa.com
Test: GeIL 2x2 gb PC2-6400
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 2 |
Pris | 1 |
| |
Samlet | 50% |
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hereUK summary
Okay performance. No better og worse than any other ram. They won't overclock at all and the cooling solution is just overdimensioned. There's no need for the cooling before you pass 1000 mhz, and even there it's probably not necessary.
Innovation/Technology - 3
Not really any new tecnologies in these rams. DDR3 is taking over the market and DDR2 is slowly disapearing, but DDR3 is still too expensive in Denmark and they don't perform much better.
Design/Layout - 4
That's about as beautiful as it gets! That dark color is just me! But not just the color! The design looks pretty cool too. Even the box is a piece. Though I don't think you should judge them by their looks, but by how they perform.
Performance - 2
Compared to the frequency they performe like every other set of ram. And they don't run very fast. Also, the ram hardly overclocks at all.
Price - 1
The price is set to 1499,- DKK which is very expensive. Personally I would have safed some money on the cooler, which doesn't do any good at such low frequencies anyway. You can get Corsair ram with the same specifications for 650,- DKK! I think that the cooler is only for the looks. But it might be more interesting with the faster version.
GeIL defends the price with the following statement:
We treat EVO ONE as an advance of Black Dragon, which are focus on gaming
series, EVO ONE use 8 layers and IC is requested to be stable as Black
Dragon, so we have to make special sorting for EVO ONE to stabilize the
mother board as well as PC, that is why we use Copper heat pipe, its
function is to lead out the heat from each IC chip, also there has liquid
inside of Copper in order to activate the heat and result in gasify reaction
from liquid ;moreover, the fin will present "wind tunnel" when use dual/quad
channel, the wind tunnel will also bring the heat off, that is why we call
EVO ONE is" Complete Cooling System Design"; compare to Corsair, they just
use Dual path, which use 2 layers in heat spreader, it is not enough when PC
in high speed running.
If you check high-end of mother board such as Asus Commando...,you can easy
to find that these mother boards also have copper heat pipe and fin builds
on mother board, it is costly so you may not find from normal mother board.