Xbitlabs har hørt at AMD hopper direkte på XDR eller DDR3 og springer support for DDR2 helt over.
"The source also said that AMD might be going its own way by not following Intel with their DDR2 implementations. Instead, the world?s second largest chipmaker may go straight to DDR3 or XDR DRAM in hopes of adopting a better architecture,? CoolTechZone web-site reported.
While some sources have beein mulling about possible DDR2 skip by Advanced Micro Devices for a while now, it is still unclear how AMD plans to skip DDR2 memory without trimming its microprocessors? performance by 400MHz DDR for at least a year or even more than two. The XDR and DDR3 DIMMs are expected to be mass-produced in the second half of 2006 or even in the second half of 2007 respectively" AMD står, hvad angår ram, i en lidt skidt situation da de har valgt at indbygge ramcontrolleren direkte i chippen frem for i northbridgen. Derfor er de tvunget til at tænke langsigtet, da det både vil kræve en ombygning af chip og bundkort, når man ændre så radikalt på designet.
Vi vil muligvis se den nye type ram når M2-socklen, som er efterfølgeren til 939, bliver introduceret.