UTT ram - hvad er det?
Betegnelsen UTT står for "UnTesTed" dvs. der er tale om ramkredse uden rating og label fra producent side. Alligevel ender disse ramkredse på ramklodser fra high-end producenter, hvordan hænger det så sammen?
Flere producenter herunder kendte mærker som: Corsair, Geil, OCZ, Mushkin, Twinmos og Vdata gør brug af disse UnTesTede ramkredse.
For startes do you know what UTT stands for? It stands for UnTesTed memory IC's. This means that after the IC's were packaged they were NOT speed binned and offer no ratings from the factory. This is done so DRAM manufacturers can cut 15 to 20 percent in costs per DRAM by skipping DRAM chip reliability burn-in and speed/functionality testing on high-end chip testers. Not only does this save money, but it also allows them to dump large volumes of IC's on the market faster because there is no testing done. This is why these UTT IC's come blank from the factory with nothing written on them as they are unrated. Below is an image of OCZ's PC-3200 Gold VX modules without the heatspreaders installed. Note the lack of any IC labeling from the manufactuer.Nowyou know the UTT IC's are untested and basically the cheapest IC's that can be purchased on the market! Currently we are seeing companies here in the United States starting to sell UTT DRAM modules for as high as $300 and offering DDR500 2-2-2 performance levels. How can this be done on these bottom barrell IC's? Turns out many companies are using RST Pro2 tester cards for platform testing or sending them out to be screened. They are also using massive amounts of voltage to produce these results. An example of this is the new Mushkin Redline PC-4000 memory modules that are rated to run 2-2-2 timings at 3.5V. Most motherboards can't even run 3.5 Volts, unless you have the DFI Lanparty series or the upcoming Sapphire boards. http://www.legitreviews.com/article.php?aid=199
Artiklen trækker Mushkin Redline frem som et eksempel på ram med UTT kredse. Følgende tråd fra xtremesystems.org beskriver lidt mere om lige netop disse Redline ram: