Seagate har annonceret en ny harddisk i deres populære 7200-serie, 7200.9. Kapaciteterne er op til 500 GB, der er 16 MB cache og Serial ATA II interface. Der er også support for Native Command Queuing, som med introduktionen af Dual-Core processorer har fået større berettigelse, da det kan forbedre hastigheden under multitasking.
Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 vil komme i kapaciteter på 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400 og 500 GB, alle med Serial ATA II interface, som er bagudkompatibelt med Serial ATA.
Barracuda 7200.9 disc drives, the newest generation of the world's most popular PC hard drive family, will feature a 7,200-rpm spin speed and an 8.0-msec average seek time. With 3Gb/s SATA performance, these drives are ideal for bandwidth-hungry digital video workstations, mainstream PCs, low-cost servers, souped-up PC gaming systems, home media PCs and other high-performance applications. Additionally, the Barracuda 7200.9 is a great choice for storage of secondary data - a fast-growing storage sector as more businesses turn to cost-effective SATA drives for easy-to-access bulk storage.
Seagate's SATA interface with NCQ supports Intel Hyper-Threading to increase the performance of workstations and entry-level servers for computationally intensive applications such as financial, engineering and scientific digital media, gaming and special effects. NCQ also increases reliability in heavy workloads by significantly reducing the drive's mechanical wear. And with Seagate's patented SoftSonic fluid dynamic bearing motors, Barracuda 7200.9 is the quietest desktop PC drive available. Læs mere her: http://www.seagate.com/cda/newsinfo/newsroom/releases/article/0,,2733,00.html