OCworkbench har haft ABIT's AN8 kort med SLI på testbænken.
Kortet udemærker sig helt klart med nogle lækre BIOS features, især til overclockerne!
De har sat kortet op mod en røvfuld andre kort, desværre savnes ASUS's kort i den sammenhæng.
"After months of waiting, ABIT has delivered their SLI version of the AN8. Without the extras of those Fata1ity, the plain vanilla AN8-SLI is definitely one of the boards that most overclockers are waiting for. Performance wise, this board does perform, on pair if not better than most of its competitors in a number of the tests done. The NF4 SLI chipset is cooled by a heatpipe which is quite unique in its class. This is nice because it does away with the noisy fans actively cooling the NF4 SLI chipset."