Intel og AMD har netop offentliggjort en aftale der gør en ende på alle verserende sager og sagsanlæg imellem de to chipgiganter. Det kommer til at koste Intel den nette sum af 1.25mia dollars.
Hvad får Intel så til gengæld?
De får AMD til at droppe alle anklager, for brud på konkurrence reglerne. Det er for tvister og uenigheder som går 12 år bagud i tiden.
Intel samtidig er gået med til en 5 års forlængelse af en x86 krydslicens aftale, hvilket må siges at være en ret vigtig del af sagen.
Efter denne nyhed er AMD´s aktie kurs steget med små 20%, så der bliver måske råd til at afdrage på den $3.2 Mia. store gæld, som chipproducenten har samlet sammen...
Aftalen får dog ingen betydning for den bøde Intel allerede har fået fra EU for brud på handelsregler, eller evt. nye bøder som kan komme i den nære fremtid
AMD and Intel Announce Settlement of All Antitrust and IP Disputes SUNNYVALE/SANTA CLARA, Calif. - Nov. 12, 2009 - Intel Corporation and Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) today announced a comprehensive agreement to end all outstanding legal disputes between the companies, including antitrust litigation and patent cross license disputes.
In a joint statement the two companies commented, "While the relationship between the two companies has been difficult in the past, this agreement ends the legal disputes and enables the companies to focus all of our efforts on product innovation and development."
Under terms of the agreement, AMD and Intel obtain patent rights from a new 5-year cross license agreement, Intel and AMD will give up any claims of breach from the previous license agreement, and Intel will pay AMD $1.25 billion. Intel has also agreed to abide by a set of business practice provisions. As a result, AMD will drop all pending litigation including the case in U.S. District Court in Delaware and two cases pending in Japan. AMD will also withdraw all of its regulatory complaints worldwide. The agreement will be made public in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
kilder: E-mail fra AMD.
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