EU vil forbyde highend grafikkort ?.
Indtil videre kan "gamere" og PC entusiaster slappe af, men der er forlydender om at E.U som en del af energibesparelses-tiltagene vil banlyse highend grafikkortene på det europæiske marked.
De hele bunder i en såkald Eco-design Lot 3 rapport, der udsteder retningslinier om elektronisk kunnen blandt andet. Grupperingen er sat fra G1 til G7.
Begrænsningen skal stå i at bestemte grafikkort ikke må have en båndbredde over 128GB/sek, mens at det skal være fuldstændigt banlyst med en båndbredde på 320GB/sek uanset grafikkort type og intention på markedet. Målet er at begrænset elforbruget og gøre EU grønnere end det er i dag.
De anvender et skema der ser således ud:

"There are currently seven specifications for graphics cards - G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6 and G7. Graphics cards of the G7 classification have a bandwidth of 128 GB/s (GigaByte per Second) and more, without an upper limit today. The category depends on the performance - in this case measured in memory bandwidth. These GPU categories are also paired with a certain level of energy efficiency. If a graphics card doesn't live up to the standard set by the EC it can be removed from all markets within the EU. The rules will now be constricted, which threatens next generation graphics cards.
The commission wants to stop dedicated graphics cards of group G7 from going above 320 GB/s - that is in theory a memory bus at 384-bit connected to memory operating at 6667 MHz or 512-bit with 5001 MHz. This is definitely within reach for the next generation graphics cards. Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition currently has a bandwidth of 288 GB/s with a 384-bit memory bus and 6000 MHz memory. For notebooks the limit will be only 225 GB/s.
Besides that the energy efficiency requirements will be tighter - in this case the energy consumption of the card in relation to its memory bandwidth. Performance delivered in games or general calculations are irrelevant. according to Lot 3. Exactly what the "performance" and energy consumption quote looks like we don't know at the time of writing, but it will also affect cards in the entry level segment and not just performance and enthusiast cards. The quote is strict enough to worry AMD."
Udsigten til disse restriktioner ligger efter alt at skønne en gang i 2014, men hvorvidt det bliver en realitet må tiden vise !.
Spørgsmålet er blot, om det er det rigtige sted at sætte ind og så ramme millioner af spilentusiaster i Europa ?.