Hvis jeg skal se på det samlede indtryk, jeg har fået af dette kabinet, har det været helt i top. Lige fra kabelføring til montering af diverse hardware har været en fornøjelse. Det eneste jeg kan undre mig lidt over er den lidt trænge plads der er til kabelføring.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Selvom vi har at gøre med et ret simpelt kabinet med mere eller mindre innovativt design kan jeg ikke andet end at elske det! Installationen gik som smurt og tog ikke ret lang tid. Dette er lidt overraskende, da skruer er en del af dette kabinets installation. Harddisk holderne var nok det jeg var mest imponeret over, da de ganske enkelt er geniale og kombineret med de gode muligheder for at holde støvet på afstand kommer karakteren op, men fordi blæserne monteres direkte på frontpanelet og ikke på en holder, for at lette rengøring af støvfilteret, giver jeg det 4 point.
Bundle/Tilbehør – 4
På dette punkt synes jeg ikke det var prangende. Man kunne godt have givet flere plastik strips i stedet for 2 store. Der var værktøj med til at montere en harddisk eller et drev, men ikke motherboard standoffs. Dog er det ikke noget man normalt kan forvente følger med, ikke engang skruetrækkeren. Manualen derimod kunne godt have været lidt mere detaljeret, men havde dog stadig forklaring på det meste. Alt i alt var jeg rimelig tilfreds med tilbehøret, intet ekstraordinært og derfor får det karakteren 4.
Design/Layout – 5
Hvis du foretrækker et simpelt design og samtidig ikke vil betale en formue, har du ikke ret mange muligheder. Hvis du samtidig vil have et lille kabinet med meget plads, f. eks til en vandkøling setup er udbuddet endnu mindre. Arc Mini’en levere et flot design, plastikdelene føles ikke for billige og finishen er lækker. Det praktiske er også tip top, alt i alt lever kabinettet fuldt op til Fractal Designs slogan – ”less is more”. Derfor karakteren 5.
Pris – 5
Jeg har præsteret at finde dette kabinet til 64 euro eller hvad der svarer til DKR 476,-, hvilket er helt vildt for et kabinet der levere så meget og samtidig holder kvaliteten! Det ultimative bang for the buck kabinet, derfor 5!

UK summary
Overall I’m very impressed with this case. Everything from cable management to the installation of various hardware, has been a pleasure. The only thing I can think of is that the tiny gap between the motherboard tray and the side panel should’ve been bigger.
Innovation/Technology - 4
Although we are dealing with a fairly simple enclosure with more or less innovative design, then I can’t do anything but love it. The installation went smoothly and didn’t take very long. One thing I was really impressed about was the hard drive mounts, because they weren’t anything, but simply clever and combined with the different types of dust filters, it gave me the last conviction that this case would get 5 points, but because of the fans is mounted directly on the front panel instead of a mount behind it, to ease cleaning of the filter, it gets 4 points.
Bundle/Accessories – 4
At this point I don’t think it was overwhelming. Instead of two big plastic strips there should have been several small. There was a tool to mount a hard drive or an optical drive, but not anything to install the motherboard standoffs. However, it is not something you normally expect to get with a case, not even the screwdriver. The manual however, could well have been a little more detailed, but still explained most of it. Overall I was reasonably happy with the accessories, nothing extraordinary, and therefore it gets the grade 4.
Design/Layout – 5
If you prefer a simple design and will not pay a fortune, you will not have many options in cases. If you in the same time want a small case, but with extra space for e.g. water cooling setup, the options are even fewer. Arc Mini delivers a nice design, the plastic parts don’t feel too cheap and the finish is nice. The practical part is also complete and the case fully live up to Fractal Design's motto – “less is more”.
Price – 5
I've managed to find the chassis for 64 euros or the equivalent of DKK 476,-, which is pretty cheap for a chassis that deliver so much and still keeps a great quality. Therefore the score is again 5, because what we have here is the ultimate bang for the buck case!