
Der er slet ingen tvivl om hvilken klasse Striker II NSE tilhører, med den store bunke af tilbehør der følger med. Det er vitterligt et decideret gaming-bundkort hvis noget er det, og alt i alt er hele pakken så gennemført, at man ikke kan undgå at forelske sig lidt i hele balladen. Det er ikke meget andet at sige end: Flot arbejde ASUS!
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Det er ikke fordi der er sket et eller andet rygende vildt med dette bundkort. Chipsættet indeholder endda teknologier der er blevet brugt af både Intel og AMD i mange år efterhånden. Alligevel så er der nu kommet DDR3 til, og sammen med Nvidias "Unlinked"-mulighed, hvor RAM og FSB kører uafhægigt af hinanden, og SLi-understøttelsen - det gælder både 3-way og quad - og så har man et fuldblods gaming-produkt.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Det er yderst sjældent der gives 5 point i denne kategori, men Striker II NSE har fortjent hvert enkelt af dem. Det er store som små ting og helheden det bringer med sig - man mangler ikke noget med sådan en tilbehørspakke. 5 points.
Design/Layout - 5
Citat fra hwt's points-tabel: "Det perfekte produkt i kategorien. Det opfylder alle de krav der med rette kan stilles til det og har ingen negative sider. Denne karakter gives hvis det er vanskeligt at forbedre yderligere på produktet." - Citat slut. 5 points.
Software/BIOS - 5
Der er som sædvanlig en stor pakke med Asus' egne programmer og diverse prøveprøgrammer. Her oveni får man fuld udgave af Company of Heroes og 3DMark06 Advanced Edition. Det udløser endnu engang et 5-tal.
Ydelse - 4
550MHz FSB er ikke syndsygt meget i disse tider, hvor P45 rykker rundt på langt over 600MHz FSB, men det er stadig et langt stykke deroppe, og faktisk så langt oppe at det er på nippet til at vi tildeler det et 5-tal. Vi bliver dog ved 4-tallet, ene og alene af den grund, at vi ved der er boards med Intel chipsæt, der clocker en anelse bedre.
Pris - 3
Striker II NSE koster lige en kende over 2000,- hvilket er en fair pris for et bundkort i den her klasse. Storebror Striker II Extreme koster ca. 400,- mere. Hvis man på forhånd ved at man ikke kommer til at bruge hverken lydkortet, northbridge-vandkølehovedet eller LCD-posteren f.eks., så er man nok bedre stillet med et andet bundkort, da disse elementer tydeligt udgør en del af prisen. Alt i alt 3 points for en fair pris.

Test: Asus Striker II NSE
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 86% |
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There is no doubt what so ever, as to what segment the Striker II NSE fits into. We're dealing with high-end, which is most obviously seen when looking at the huge bundle that comes with this motherboard. This is truly a gaming motherboard if there ever was one, and every tiny-tiny bit of the whole package is part of a whole, thats isn't difficult to fall in love with. Well done ASUS!
Innovation/Technology - 4
Theres not really anything smoking hot and new with this motherboard. The chipset even uses technologies used by both Intel and AMD for several years. Still, there's the DDR3 support, combined with Nvidia's "Unlinked" option where FSB and RAM runs asynchronous, the SLi support - both 3-way and quad - which all put together is equal to nothing less than a full blooded gaming motherboard.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
It's extremely rare to see 5 points to any kind of product in this category, however, the Striker II NSE deserves every one of them. No matter how big or how small, the whole package rings with exclusiveness - you don't need anything more when you have a bundle like this. 5 points.
Design/Layout - 5
Quote from hwt's points-list: "The perfect product in the category. It fulfills all the demands which you can rightly expect, and there are no negative things to say about it. This character is given if the product can hardly be improved at all.” - End of quote. 5 points.
Software/BIOS - 5
Theres is - as usual - a huge package of Asus' own software and a selection of trial-software included. Add to that the full version of the Compay of Heroes game, and 3DMark06 Advanced Edition. This once more adds up to a full 5 points.
Performance - 4
550MHz FSB is nothing insane in these times, when P45 is whopping around way above 600MHz FSB, but it's still a good and long way up there, and actually almost enough to release 5 points, but since there are Intel chipsets out there performing a little better, we settle at 4 points.
Price - 3
Striker II NSE is priced just a tad over the DKK 2000,- mark, which is a fair price for a motherboard in this class. Bigbrother Striker II Extreme is about DKK 400,- more. If you beforehand know that the soundcard, Fusion-block water-cooling or the LCD-poster is not for you, then you'll most likely be better off with another board since theese components are obviously a significant part of the price-tag. All in all a fair price. 3 points.