Jeg har generelt været anti-Thermaltake-person, men må indrømme at dette kabinet har ændret den indstilling. Det er flot, lækkert, fyldt med detaljer, og så oser det af kvalitet. Det støjer dog en smule, og jeg ser nogle problemer med en stor del af markedets strømforsyninger, men det lægger sig i den gode klasse. Det er nok lidt for plastiskt til at være med på Lian-Li/Silverstone/Antec-holdet, og her må jeg så også indrømme at de ikke er helt med. Der er stadig lidt for meget blik og plastik, til at det vil være det foretrukne kabinet i prisklassen, men Thermaltake var virkelig tæt på den her gang.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Jeg synes der er mange spændende tiltag som f.eks. montering af 2½" diske, fleksibel opbygning, store blæsere og en lækker placering af power-knap og udvendige tilslutninger. Det trækker ned at det stadig støjer en smule, samt at placeringen af strømforsyningen er i bunden.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Der er det der skal være. Der er masser af skruer og dimser således at man kan montere alt fra starten af.
Design/Layout - 4
Rigtig lækker kvalitet, gennemført design og forholdsvis stilet. Det er let at gå til, både udvendigt og indvendigt.
Pris - 2
Prisen er vejledende 1400kr., hvilket er for dyrt. Der er virkelig mange andre mindst lige så lækre alternativer på markedet, der oser endnu mere af kvaltiet end dette, og som også er billigere. Det skal siges at det er set ned til 1018kr., hvilket stadig er en slags penge.

Test: Thermaltake Element S
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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Generally I've been an anti-Thermaltake-person, but I must admit that this chassis has changed my position. It's nice and delicious and filled with detail while also oozing of quality. It's a bit noisy though, and I'm seeing a couple of problems with a lot of power supplies on the market, but It positions itself in the high-end class, although it seems a bit too plastique and "tinny" to be quite on par with Lian-Li, Silverstone and Antec. This all makes it less attractive for its price class, but Thermaltake was really close this time.
Innovation/Technology - 4
I think there are many new and interesting features, like the mounting of 2½ inch disks, the flexible construction, large fans and the placement of the power-button and the frontpanel. The grade is pulled down a bit due to the noise and the fact that the power supply needs to be placed in the bottom.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Everything needed is there. There are plenty of screws and stuff to make it possible to install everything from the beginning.
Design/Layout - 4
It is of very nice quality, well contemplated design, while also being fairly stylish. It's easy to work with externally aswell as internally.
Price - 2
The indicative retail price is around 188€, which is too expensive. There are really many alternatives on the market, that are at least just as nice and quality-oozing while also being cheaper than this chassis. The lowest price I've found it for is 134€, but this is a fair deal of money to pay.