
Konklusionen af testen af Shuttle SX38P2 Pro er meget ligetil. Maskinen er gennemført i design, lækker at se på og arbejde med, samt har en "nuttethedsfaktor" over det normale, set i forhold til at denne understøtter Core 2 Extreme CPU'er og har understøttelse for ret store grafikkort som den evner, at trække uden problemer. Der har ikke været oplevet varme eller stabilitetsproblemer med maskinen, det til trods at der var monteret en Core 2 Extreme QX6700 CPU og et AMD/ATI HM 4770 512 grafikkort. Som altid er kvaliteten i top og alt det man forbinder med Shuttle's brand og kvalitet bliver til fulde indfriet. Vi havde dog gerne set, at der havde været monteret en kortlæser i dennes slot for, at fuldende maskinen. Dog falder SX38P2 Pro totalt igennem på to væsentlige punkter - og det er manglende understøttelse af driver og software til 64-bit Windows til den indbyggede fingeraftrykslæser, samt det faktum at maskinen støtter AMD/ATI CrossFire, men kun har en 450 watt strømforsyning, samt 1.3 cm. plads mellem de to PCI-Express x 16 slots. Dette gør at man ikke som moderne bruger kan benytte den indbyggede aftrykslæser, eller reelt montere to grafikkort. Og det burde man kunne til prisen, særligt set i lyset af, at maskinen netop markedsføres på de to hovedpunkter. Maskinen kan klart anbefales til LAN-boks, kontor-PC, HTPC eller stue-PC.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
At maskinen formår at trække en Core 2 Extreme CPU og et større AMD/ATi grafikkort trækker opad. Det samme gør de vide overclockningsmuligheder i BIOS'en. Chipsættet er lidt ældre og derfor formår maskinen ikke, at trække op på 5 i innovation. Til gengæld er det positivt der er indbygget SpeedLink via USB funktionalitet og fingeraftrykslæser - hvor sidstnævnte jo desværre ikke virker på 64-bit systemer. En funktion som SpeedLink via USB er noget alle kunne lære af. Dette burde i vor tid være standard på alle bundkort og bærbare. Her kan andre producenter tage ved lære, af Shuttle på dette punkt.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Bundlet er rimeligt begrænset, men man kommer hurtigt i gang med driver-CD'en og den fyldige manual i farver. Der er inkluderet kølepasta, skruer, strømkabel og USB-kabel til brug med SpeedLink funktionen (dog ikke et ret langt et). Den medfølgende dokumentation er forbilledlig og giver ikke brugeren grund til, at savne nogen form for informationer overhovedet.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er flot og gennemført og af yderst høj kvalitet, som man kan forvente af en Shuttle maskine. Ankepunkter for designet ligger i, at der er meget lidt plads mellem grafikkortslots'ene og låseklappen til grafikkort er hængslet fast i maskinen, hvilket besværliggør montage af grafikkort. Samtidigt er det helt umuligt, at montere to grafikkort til Crossfire med de 1.3 cm. der er mellem slottene i maskinen. At frontforbindelserne er gemt bag en klap/låge er subjektivt, om man elsker eller hader. Reset-knappen er efter min mening forsænket for dybt, da man skal bruge kuglepen, eller clips for, at trykke den ind. Til gengæld er det en bonus, at der er en "Clear CMOS" knap bagpå maskinen, som er meget let tilgængelig.
Software/BIOS - 2
Der er kun drivere med til maskinen, samt Norton 2007 og Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.1. Fraværet af drivere og software til 64-bit burde give karakteren N/A, eller højst 1. Til gengæld trækker den indbyggede SpeedLink software og funktionalitet via USB mellem to PC kraftigt op, så derfor får maskinen 2 i denne kategori. BIOS'en er nem og enkel at gå til, men med rigtigt mange muligheder for den krævende bruger.
Ydelse - 5
Det er svært, at skrive om ydelsesfaktoren på en barebone, da denne jo som sagt afhænger ret voldsomt af hvad brugeren vælger, at installere i en sådan. Men ydelsen er helt i top ved brug af Core 2 Extreme QX6700 CPU'en og AMD/ATI HD 4770 512 - også selvom HD 4770 er et medium segment grafikkort.
Pris - 3
Prisen på ca. 3.300,- DKK kan være lidt svær at sluge, når man ser på at chipsættet er af lidt ældre dato. Men maskinen er som altid når det drejer sig om Shuttle's produkter helt i top. Der er meget få ting at sætte fingeren på med Shuttle SX38P2 Pro. Man får hvad man betaler for - super high-end state-of-the-art produkt til en lidt høj pris. Men retfærdigvis skal det siges, at maskinen absolut er alle pengene værd, hvis man ser bort fra de nævnte ankepunkter. Man får ret meget for pengene med Shuttle SX38P2 Pro.
Test: Shuttle SX38P2 Pro
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 2 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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The conclusion on the Shuttle SX38P2 Pro is quite simple.The machine has very neat design, is extremely nice to look at and work with, and also has a "cuteness factor" above normal, seen in relation to that it supports Core 2 Extreme CPU's and high-end graphics adapters, which it is able to run with without any problems. We have not seen any heat or stability problems with this machine, in spite of that we installed a Core 2 Extreme QX6700 CPU and an AMD/ATI HD 4770 512. As always the quality is in top and everything one associates with Shuttle's brand and quality is completely fulfilled. We would like to have a card reader mounted in its slot from the factory to complete the machine fully. But in to important areas the Shutle comes in short. And those are the lack of drivers and software to the finger print reader for 64-bit Windows systems, as also the fact that the machine does support AMD/ATI CrossFire - but has only 1.3 cm's apart between the PCI-Express x 16 slots and a power supply of just 450 watts. That causes that one as a modern user can't utilize the built-in finger print reader or install two graphics adapters in CrossFire. And that one should be able to, seen in the light og the price tag and that this model is advertised with focus on these two key features. The machine is clearly recommendable as a small LAN-computer, HTPC, office computer or living room computer.
Innovation/Technology - 4
That the machine is able to drag a Core 2 Extreme CPU and a larger AMD/ATI graphics card counts upwards rating wise. The same does the wide overclocking abilities in the BIOS. The chipset is a model that is somewhat older and because of this we don't rate the SX38P2 Pro with a "5" in this section. On the contrary the built-in SpeedLink via USB functinality and the fingerprint reader (that doesn't wwork on 64-bit ystems) counts highly upwards. A function as SpeedLink via USB is something all manufacturers could learn from. This feature should in our time be available on all motherboards and laptops. Here other producers could really learn something from Shuttle.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The bundle is fairly limited, but one gets going quite quick with the driver CD-ROM and the wast manual in colours. Included is heat paste, screws, power cable, and USB-cable (not a very long one) for the SpeedLink functionality. The accomponying documentation sets an example and doesnt leave the user any reason to lack information at all, in any area.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is nice and implemented and of very high quality, which one can expect from a Shuttle machine. The design flaws is located to very little space between the two PCI-Express x 16 slots and the lock bracket that is hinged into the machine, which makes installation of graphics adapters a hassle. Furthermore it is impossible to install two graphcis adapters, due to the fact that there is only -and merely- 1.3 cm.'s between the slots. That all front connections are hidden behind a door/flap is a subjective opinion, wether one likes or hates this. The reset button is from my point of view lowered too deep, since it requires a ball point pen or a paper clip to activate. In contrary it is a bonus, that there is a "Clear CMOS" button on the back of machine for convenient use.
Software/BIOS - 2
The machine comes with only drivers, Norton 2007 and Adobe Acrobat 8.1. The lack of drivers and software for the finger print reader for 64-bit systems should yield the character N/A or 1 in this category. But the built-in SpeedLink functionality via USB between two computers and its software drags heavily upwards. So therefore the SX38P2 Pro gets a "2" in this category. The BIOS is easy and simple to use, but has a lot of functionality for the demanding user.
Performance - 5
It is quite hard to evaluate the performance factor of a barebone, since this varies extremely with what one chooses to install in it. But the performance is top-notch with the use of a Core 2 Extreme QX6700 and an AMD/ATI HD 4770 512 - that in spite the HD 4770 is a medium-segment graphics card.
Price - 3
The price tag of around 3.300,- DKK is a little hard to swallow, specially if you take into consideration the chipset is an older type. But the machine is as always with Shuttle's products "top of the line". there are very few thigns to point a finger at with Shuttle SX38P2 Pro. One gets what one pays for - a super high-end state-of-the-art product at a farily high price. But fair to say is, that one absolutely gets value for every penny/cent one pays if one disregards the few complaint point this model has. You get a lot of bang-for-the-buck with the SX38P2 Pro.