Det har været en fornøjelse at have denne USB stick på lynvisit her på Hwt.dk - og især når produktet til fulde overholder, hvad det lover. X-porter XT Boost havde bedre hastighed end de fleste og den ekstreme holdbarhed stod også distancen i en Vaskemaskine, hvor 1400 omdrejninger i minuttet heller ikke kunne slå den ihjel.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
En USB stick er der ikke noget nyt over. Men Patriot har formået at rykke grænserne for, hvad en USB stick kan præstere. Beklædt med gummi klarer den flere tæsk end man troede muligt.
Design/Layout - 3
Den ser ud som man nu forestiller sig, en USB stick skal se ud. Beklædt med gummi skilter Patriot med store bogstaver, at her er deres produkt. Og sort og rødt har jo altid klædt hinanden godt.
Ydelse - 5
Produktet har holdt det lovede. Testen viste en god stabil og høj hastighed, samtidig med at sticken rent faktisk var så holdbar, som lovet. Der er altså ikke mange elektroniske produkter, som kan overleve i en tur i vaskemaskinen.
Pris - 3
Jeg kan ikke finde 2GB versionen i DK, men et opslag på EDB-priser viser 4GB udgaven af Patriot X-porter XT Boost prissat til 189,- incl moms men excl. fragt. Dermed lægger vi os ca. midt i feltet af 4GB USB sticks, og med livstidsgaranti og udmærket ydelse må prisen siges at være i orden.

UK summary
It has been a pleasure having this USB memory stick on a quick visit here at Hwt.dk - and especially when it keeps it´s promises. X-porter XT Boost had better speed than most and the extreme resistance also stood the distance in the washing maschine, where water and 1400 RPM could not kill it either.
Innovation/Technology - 4
There is nothing new about a USB memory stick. But Patriot has managed to move the borders in terms of USB memory sticks. Dressed up in a rubbercover it takes more beatings than one would ever imagine possible.
Design/Layout - 3
It looks like how you would imagine a USB memory stick to look like. Dressed up in rubber Patriot shows in big letters, that here is there product. And the combination of black and red have always looked good.
Performance - 5
The product keeps its promises. The test showed a good stabil and high speed memory stick, while the stick was in fact as resistant as promised. Not many electronic products can survive a trip in a washing maschine.
Price - 3
I was not able to find the 2GB version in DK, but a quick look-up on EDB-priser.dk shows a retail price for the 4GB version around 25€ including taxes but without shipment. This puts us roughly in the middle of the crowd, and with a great performance level and lifetime warranty I call this a fair price.
Test: Patriot X-Porter XT Boost 2GB
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Design - Layout | 2 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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