Grafikkort, AMD/ATI d. 12. april. 2010, skrevet af WinterSilence 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 9819 gange.
Produktet er et grafikkort i mainstream/lowend-segmentet . Det henvender sig til personer der ikke har så store krav til en kontormaskine, HTPC, eller meget lille spillemaskine. Alternativt er produktet yderst relevant for dem der vil spare strøm, penge eller opgradere fra et noget ældre grafikkort. Kortet kan DX11 og afspilning af Blu-ray er understøttet. der er monteret en framebuffer på 1GB, hvilket er ganske flot for så "lille" et grafikkort. Har man behov for 3 skærme, men ikke den store performance/ydelse så er dette nok lige det kort man skal købe sig, da prisen er på ca. 600,- DKK, incl. moms. Kortet støtter de nyeste former for HD-film afspilning, lyd-ud via HDMI uden ekstrakabel til lydkort, er støjsvagt og billigt. Har man ikke de store krav eller forventninger til ydelse er produktet dog yderst velegnet. Jeg vil konkludere der her er tale om et produkt af fremragende brugskvalitet - hvis man altså ellers er ganske bevidst om, hvad man skal bruge det til.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Her ligger vi helt i top, da kortet understøtter allernyeste grafikteknologier, såsom DirectX11, ATi Stream og Eyefinity.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Her lander vi kun på et 3-tal, da der ikke er dansk vejledning, eller HDMI-adapter vedlagt til kortet. Der er dog hele to lavprofil brackets med, hvilket trækker lidt opad. Kortet burde have fået et 4-tal, men fraværet af en så elementær del, som en HDMI-adapter, er ikke tilgiveligt.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er enkelt og køleløsningen formår, at holde kortet ganske koldt uden at larme. Man kan selv eftermontere små køleprofiler på RAM-klodserne på bagsiden af kortet uden problemer. Alle relevante typer tilslutninger er til rådighed. Der burde efter min mening have været monteret små køleprofiler på RAM-klodserne af hensyn til HTPC-brug i små kabinetter. Til gengæld burde kortet have et meget stort potentiale til brug i små casemods, eller micro-PC'ere, grundet dets størrelse, strømforbrug og varmeafgivelse. Casemod-potentialet trækker alligevel karakteren op til et 4-tal.
Software - 3
Her ender vi på et 3-tal, da der kun er driver med, samt en plugin til simuleret HD-video ved brug af webcam i chatprogrammer. Men et plugin tæller ikke helt som ekstra software, der beriger brugeroplevelsen, i min verden.
Ydelse - 2
Ydelsen er som forventet ikke det vilde med dette kort. Men kortet er heller ikke beregnet til dem der har behov for stor ydelse. Det udfylder sin rolle i sit segment ganske udemærket. Men det opnår kun et 2-tal, da ydelsen i DX11-tests i HD-opløsning er virkelig lav. I DX10-tests ligger kortet også ganske lavt i ydelse. Siden vi gav HD5450 1GB et 1-tal, så lander HD5570 1GB sammenligneligt på et 2-tal.
Pris - 5
Kortet koster 619,-. DKK iflg. pr. den 05.04.2010. Da der er både DVI, HDMI med lyd via DVI, VGA og DisplayPort til rådighed kan man ikke forvente sig mere. Kortet støtter afspilning af Blu-ray og egner sig fint til HTPC-brug, kontorbrug, eller små spillebehov. Prisen findes værende aldeles rimelig, set i forhold til at der er monteret 1GB RAM på kortet. Så derfor får kortet et 5-tal i pris, siden HD5450 koster 350,- DKK med 512 MB RAM.
The product is a graphics card in the segment mainstream / low budget. It is aimed at people who do not have as much to claim to an office machine, HTPC, or very small gaming PC. Alternatively, the product is highly relevant for those who want to save power, money or upgrade from a slightly older graphics card. The card can do DX11 and playback of Blu-ray is supported. There is mounted a frame buffer of 1GB, which is quite nice on a "small" graphics card. If you need 3 monitors, but not the high performance / performance then this is probably just the cards you should buy since the price is around. 600,- DKK incl. VAT. The card supports the latest forms of HD movie playback, audio out via HDMI without an extra cable to the sound card, is quiet and cheap. For the person who doesn't have large requirements or expectations for performance, this product is quite suitable. I conclude this is a product with great useability - if one is very aware of what one wants to use it for.
Innovation/Technology - 5
Here we end on a 5, since the card is "top notch", due to its support of cutting-edge graphics technologies, such as DirectX11, ATi Stream and Eyefinity.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
Here we land only on a 3-figure, as there is no Danish guide or HDMI adapter supplied with the card. However, there are two low profile brackets supplied which pushes slightly upwards. The card should have received a 4-figure, but the absence of such an elementary part, as an HDMI adapter is not forgivable.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is simple and the cooling solution manages to keep the card quite cool without making noise. You can even retrofit small cooling profiles on the RAM blocks on the back of the card without problems. All relevant types of connections are available. There should in my opinion have been installed small cooling profiles on the RAM blocks for the sake of HTPC-use in small enclosures. Therefore preference is down to 3 in this subcategory, even though the cooling solution is exemplary in smoothness and efficiency. The card should have a very large potential for use in very small casemods or micro-PC's, due to its size, heat dissipation and power use. But the casemod potential drags the score back up to a "4".
Software - 3
Here we end up at a 3-figure as there are only the driver supplied and a plugin for simulation of high-definition video with use of a webcam in chat programs. But a plugin does not count quite as additional software that enriches the user experience in my world.
Performance - 2
Performance is as expected not that crazy with this card. But the adapater is not intended for those who need high performance. It fills his role in its segment quite nice. But it achieves only a 2-figure, as performance in DX11 tests in HD resolution is really low. In DX10 tests the card is scoring quite low aswell. Since we in comparison rated the 5450 1Gb with a 1, this card gets a 2.
Price - 5
The card costs 619,- DKK specified by. on the 05/04/2010. Since there are both DVI, HDMI with audio via DVI, VGA and DisplayPort available one can not expect more. The card supports playback of Blu-ray and are well suited to HTPC-use, office, or small game needs. The price is being quite reasonable, due to the fact that mounted is 1GB of RAM. So here the card gets a 5-figure in pricing, since the HD5450 costs 350,- DKK with 512 MB RAM.
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 2 |
Pris | 5 |
Samlet | 73% |