
Roccat Pyra er en rigtig fin mus, hvis man gerne vil have en mus der er let at have med, eller bare godt kan lide en lille mus. Man kunne måske godt savne at den var trådløs, men som nævnt, findes den også i en trådløs og lidt dyrere version. Samlet set har musen her ingen større svagheder, så hvis man har brug for en enkel og lille mus til FPS spil og hverdagsbrug på farten, er Roccat Pyra ikke til at komme uden om.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Easyshift funktionen trækker op, mens et maximalt følsomhedsniveau i den lavere ende for en gaming mus, trækker lidt ned igen. Ellers har musen hvad den skal have af funktioner, for at kunne kalde sig en rigtig gaming mus.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Det medfølgende tilbehør lever i det store hele op til forventningerne, og det er ganske fint at der er vedlagt en pose til opbevaring og at driver-CD'en indeholder lidt bonus. Det trækker dog lidt ned, at der ikke er en lidt mere udførlig manual på CD'en, og at denne er i mini-CD formatet. Sidstnævnte trækker selvfølgelig ned fordi produktet er beregnet til bærbare, og mange af disse har slot-in drev.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er forholdsvist stilrent sammenlignet med en del andre gaming mus. Musen er trods størrelsen ganske god at holde på, og passer endda til både venstre og højre hånd. Man kunne dog godt savne et par ekstra knapper og et vertikalt scroll-hjul, og man kunne også godt ønske en lidt mere kvalitetsagtig "feel". Samlet set scorer Pyra dog højt, og lander på et firetal.
Software - 4
Det medfølgende program til justering er rigtig fint, det har alle de små finesser der skal til som f.eks. at kunne definere specielle profiler til enkelte programmer eller spil. Under test-perioden havde jeg dog lidt problemer, med at program vinduet forsvandt - selv om programmet kørte.
Ydelse - 3
Præcisionsmæssigt er vi hvor vi skal være, men man føler sig alligevel lidt begrænset hvis man er vant til en af de større og mere almindelige gaming mus. Man skal derfor ikke forvente helt at kunne erstatte sin større mus, men som et supplement på farten, gør Pyra det den skal.
Pris - 5
Uden fragt kan denne udgave af Roccat Pyra fås for 279,- DKK, den trådløse udgave koster 399,- DKK mens Orochi fra Razer og Logitechs Anywhere MX dog er en smule dyrere. Ganske vist er denne udgave af Pyra med tråd, og de tre andre er trådløse, men jeg synes alligevel man får rigtig meget for pengene, da prisen er markant lavere end konkurrenterne.
UK summary
Roccat Pyra is a really nice mouse if you want a mouse that is easy to carry along with your laptop, or you prefer a small mouse. One could criticize the fact that it is not wireless, but as mentioned before, there are also a wireless version available, though it is a bit more expensive. Overall this mouse has no major weaknesses, so if you need a simple and small mouse for FPS games and everyday use, then the Roccat Pyra might be the one.
Innovation / Technology - 3
The EasyShift feature is a plus, while a maximum level of sensitivity that is somewhat low, is a minor drawback. Otherwise this mouse provides us with the features needed in order to call itself a proper gaming mouse.
Bundle / Accessories - 4
The bundle pretty much lives up to the expectations and the little extra in form of a small bag for carrying the mouse and bonus content on the driver CD is nice as well. Minor drawbacks is a very short manual and the fact that the drivers comes on a mini-CD. The last mentioned is of course a drawback because of the fact that this product is designed for laptops, and the mini-CD just does not fit in a slot-in drive.
Design / Layout - 4
The design is fairly stylish compared to other gaming mice. Despite the size, this mouse also fits very well in my hand, and it fits both right and left handed users. One could however argue that a few extra buttons and a vertical scroll wheel would be nice, and the feel of the materials could also have a more quality-like feel. The overall score of the Pyra is four.
Software - 4
The included program for adjustment is really nice, and it has all the right features like the ability to define specific profiles for individual programs or games. During the test period, I had however, slight problems with the program window disappearing - although the program was running.
Performance - 3
Regarding accuracy the Pyra is where it should be, but you still feel somewhat limited if you are accustomed to one of the larger and more regular gaming mice. One should not expect to be able to completely replace ones old mouse, but as a supplement on the go the Pyra does the job well.
Price - 5
Without postal, this edition of Roccat Pyra is available for just 279,- DKK. The wireless version costs 399,- DKK while Orochi from Razer and Logitech Anywhere MX costs even more. Although this edition of Pyra is not wireless and the other three are, I still think you are going to get a lot of value for your money when the price is significantly lower than the competitors.
Test: Roccat Pyra
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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