Specifikationer, design og layout:

Mål, vægt, mv.:
32 x 40 centimeter i størrelse (1280 kvadratcentimeter). Tykkelsen er på 3 mm.
Gummibelagt underside for bedste greb i underlaget. Blød stofbelægning på oversiden for bedste glideeffekt og brugerkomfort.
Producentens egen tekst:
Ozone GROUND LEVEL is a series of mouse pads designed with gaming in mind. There are lots of different mouse pads in the market and finding the best is not an easy task. Ground Level mouse pads have a soft cloth surface with perfect texture for speed glide, and it's the right material for low noise and high comfort use.
The base is in rubber foam that assures the best grip so you don't have to move it or correct its position when you're in the middle of the action. The decoration reflects Ozone attitude with the blood stain on the corner and Ozone logo and signature. This elements are positioned in the corners so it doesn't affect the mouse movements. Ground Level mouse pads are low weight to improve portability, and you can simply roll it up and you're ready to go. Its height is one of the major features for this mouse pads, ranging from 2 to 3mm GROUND LEVEL mouse pads corrects the small imperfections that your table might have, allowing you to concentrate entirely in your game. Ground Level is available in three different sizes so you can choose what adapts best to your gaming style: Ground Level Regular if you play with your arm, Ground Level S if you play with your wrist and Ground Level L if you really need freedom of movements.
Design og layout:

Designet er flot og matcher Ozone Gaming's andre produkter. Denne måtte passer designmæssigt perfekt sammen med den nyligt testede SMOG-lasermus. Måtten kan fås i 3 forsk. udgaver ved bestilling, hvor alle modeller tager ergonomiske og helbredsmæssige forbehold for brugerens anatomi, fysik og ergonomiske betjening af mus. Ved køb af producentens mus opnås et helt unikt resultat i designmatch, tilpashedsgrad og ydelse til en overkommelig pris.
Nedenfor ses hvordan Ozone SMOG lasermusen matcher Ground Level L-måtten flot og elegant med de samme kontrastrige farver, samt måttens mange detaljer:

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