Grafikkort, AMD/ATI d. 07. december. 2010, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 5885 gange.
Photo editing for a hoppy user or the serious photographer at amateur level:
Photomatrix HDR:
Here you have a pictures when we were using the Photomatrix HDR software. It is pretty clear how you will be able to zoom in on this photo that consists 27 different photos - we are able to make one picture out of that by using "bracketing" function. The explaination of "bracketing is here: you need to take a lot of photos fast with different aperture and shutter speed, after that the software will make one picture out of all the photos. The reason why we will use "bracketing" instead of just a normal one is, you will get every detail and color aspect, which makes the photo really beautiful.
As you see it is crystal clear how 3 monitors makes it possible to adjust special areas of this huge photo, we are working with here. You do not need to pull the photo arround and zoom in and out all the time when you have this great solution. With this resolution, you have the perfect surface to work with photos.
On this picture I have used the original photo, which is 57.3 megabyte (size changed to fit the server of
During this test it was only necessary to zoom in and out 3 times and pull up the picture a few times. And this photo has 3863 x 2584 pizels. The graphics card we used had no problem working with this picture size and can easily handle bigger ones aswell.
Autopano Giga:
On the next pictures you will see how we used the application Autopano Giga. Autopano stands for the automaticly calculating of panorama pictures and giga means enormous size - that is why the chose the name Autopano Giga.
As you can see here, you need to choose between a lot of pictures - just like Photomatrix HDR, but in a different way more technically. Even if the application is the best and really expensive, you can control failure made by the user.
Autopano Giga is a "stitcher" application, which means it puts a lot of pictures taking by the photograher together. Then the output will be a panorama picture. There is a few requirements about photo size and such, but that is all.
This will give you more wide, tall and bigger photos. My camera can make TIFF-files at 70 megabyte a piece, which means we need a computer with really good calculation. Only a few people have such a powerful computer similar to NASAs computers at home. Lucky as we are, we have Eyefinity right here and AMD APP-applications. With AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing the whole solution will stick together and that will give you better oppotunities and tools while working with pictures. You have 3 monitors and you can use them in a lot of different ways.
I chose Autopano Giga because professional photographers, photo shops, companies etc. can get a professional edition of the program. If you have the professional version you will work with an online server. You can save your photos on the server and find them through a website.
Once again we have to think about all the good stuff. Time waste, power usage and TCO+ROI will be optimized again by using Eyefinity and AMD APP. It does not matter if you are professional, amateur or service provider, Eyefinity can really make a different.
Video editing using AMD APP (former known as ATI Stream):
In the next session you will how we used Cyberlink PowerDirector for editing video from the live demo of Eyefinity 3 at NPF#11 Lan Party, where Freke and WinterSilence were.
The software is a special version that has been optimized to exploit the power of the GPU together with the RAM and CPU at the same time. This makes the editing, encoding and decoding more smooth, when you use the power of the GPU as an extra processor.
On this screenshot you can see Cyberlink MediaShow Espresso. We are using the MediaShow Espresso to convert sound and video files, so they will be able to fit a mobile media unit.
The program has easy and great pre-settings in different profiles, so it is fast and easy to koncert all kinds of media into cell phones, pocket pc's, slates, netbooks and different consoles such as PS3, Xbox360 etc.
It does not matter if you are a professional photographers, enthusiast or just a regular "Mr. Johnson, that love to record every detail of family stuff", then Eyefinity will be a perfect solution. You will be able to do so many things at the same time. You can fix picture, while checking emails and making work. Each thing on every screen.