Lyd d. 10. december. 2010, skrevet af The_Dare_Devil 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 7938 gange.
Ydelse - 2
Spark lyder OK. Manglen på præcision og rumfornemmelse i kombination med den lidt mislykkede bas gør imidlertid, at Spark netop i gamingtesten kun ligger lidt over dumpegrænsen. Mikrofonen var imidlertid en succes. Det er dog ikke nok, når man gamer at vide, at de andre får god lyd, så har jeg endt med at tildele Spark et 2-tal.
Pris - 2
Ozone Spark ligger i øjeblikke til en pris på ca. 299,- DKK på det danske market. Kvaliteten, lyden og komforten taget i betragtning er dette en fair pris. Går man ikke så meget op lydkvaliteten, men derimod i byggekvalitet, fordi man hele tiden skal til LAN, kunne dette headset være en muligheder. I andre tilfælde vil jeg dog mene, at man kan få bedre til prisen.
Innovation - N/A
I have chosen not to rate Ozone Attack in this category, as just about all headsets produced today are built upon the same well known principles.
Bundle - N/A
I have chosen not to rate Ozone Attack in this category, as no accessories are bundled with the product. Had Attack been an expensive headset, i would have rated 1, but it is not.
Design/Layout - 3
The design is special. The choice of colour is a bit tempted, but it all seems thought through. I love the plastic coating and the way the cables are sleeved - it is top class! On the other hand the headset is quite heavy and combined with the fact, that it does not fit very well around my ears, the comfort is not perfect. I have therefore decided to give 3.
Performance - 2
The performance is OK. The lack of precision combined with the unsuccesfull attempt to produce deep bass places Spark just above the limit of acceptable. On the other hand, the microfone was very good. Even tought you cannot adjust it very much, it does not matter, because it is omni directional. I therefore end up giving 2.
Price - 2
At the moment the price tag on Attack says about 299,- DKK. The quality, sound and comfort taken into consideration, the price os OK. If you don't care that much about sound, but just want a headset with high built quality to bring to LANs, Spark might be a good buy. Otherwise, i think you can more value elsewhere.
Design - Layout | 3 |
Ydelse | 2 |
Pris | 2 |
Samlet | 46% |