Grafikkort, AMD/ATI d. 05. august. 2011, skrevet af freak_master 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 16522 gange.
Grafikkortet her har faktisk været skægt at lege med. Jeg har aldrig prøvet at rode med et passivt kølet grafikkort før, og jeg må sige at jeg er imponeret over at det ikke bliver varmere. Jeg havde forventet at jeg skulle have en kabinet blæser igang, men dette viste sig at være helt unødvendigt. HIS-køleren synes at virke rigtig godt, og er totalt lydløs - kortet hører man slet ikke noget til.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Det er en ældre serie grafikkort, så derfor synes jeg ikke rigtig at kortet her kan få mere. Den passive køler har godt nok imponeret, men det imponere mig ikke at kortet har directX 11 men faktisk ikke kan bruge det i praksis. Udover directX 11 fås der OpenCL og DirectCompute 5.0.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Det er rigtig fedt at HIS har valgt at smide nogle low profile brackets med, og manualen der medfølger er nu heller ikke så dårlig. Generelt en fin bundle der leveres til så lille et grafikkort.
Design/Layout - 4
Grafikkortet er meget lille og giver rigtig god kompatibilitet med mindre kabinetter. Derudover så synes jeg at det er rigtig fedt at der har været mulighed for at gør sådan at kortet kan komme i en pci-e x1 port. Dette giver en kæmpe kompatibilitet hvad angår bundkort, og grafikkortet kan alligevel ikke bruge en højere båndbredde end hvad pci-e x1 kan levere, så rigtig fint at de har gjort det.
Software/BIOS - 3
Den medfølgende software (driveren) fungerede upåklageligt og skal derfor have 3.
Ydelse - 4
Jeg kunne godt have forventet en smule mere ydelse i kortet, men som det er, så er det faktisk også ret fint. Hvad angår overclock så er der en del at hente, her blev der makset ud i MSI afterburner og AMD Catalyst, og dette var kortet ligeglad med, det forsatte med at være stabil. Bliver der lagt en anden BIOS i der kan sætte endnu højere clock hastighed tror jeg heller ikke at det bliver noget problem.
Pris - 4
Nu er det jo et ældre kort vi har fat i, men prisen på 310kr. er nu stadig med attraktiv, der følger det der skal bruges med i pakken, og ydelse er generelt god i forhold til det onboard grafikkort på fusion platformen.
The graphics card here has actually been a bit fun to play with. I have never tried to mess with a passively cooled graphics card before and I must say that I am impressed that it is as cool as it is. I had expected that I would have to have a fan to blow on the cooler, and I was ready with one if it would be nessesary. The HIS cooler seems to work really well and is totally silent, so you wont be able to hear the card running.
Innovation/Technology - 3
It is an older series graphics card so I really don't think this card can get higher points in this category. The passive cooler has indeed impressed, but it did not impress me that the card has directX 11 but can't actually use it in practice. In addition to directX 11 the card also has OpenCL and DirectCompute 5.0.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
It is really cool the HIS has chosen to throw in some low profile brackets and the manual included is not bad at all. Generally a very good bundle with such a small graphics card.
Design/Layout - 4
The graphics card is very small and provides excellent compatibility with small cases. In addition I think it is really cool that you can put this card in a pci-e x1 slot. This provides a tremendous compatibility in terms of motherboards, and the graphics card can't really use a higher bandwidth than what pci-e x1 can deliver.
Software/BIOS - 3
The included software (the driver) worked flawlessly and must therefor get 3.
Performance - 4
I would have expected a bit more performance in this card, but as it is, it is actually pretty good. As for overclocking there is a lot of extra performance to achieve. I was able to max out MSI afterburner and AMDs own Catalyst, and the card didn't really care about that and continued to be stable. If another BIOS which lets high clock speeds to be set is installed I think that you can get even higher.
Price - 4
It is an older card we are dealing with, but the price of 310kr. is still a very attractive price, and the bundle seems very good for this price, and the performance is generally good compared to the onboard graphics on the fusion platform.
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 73% |