
Af et billigt bundkort til X79 platformen at være er det ganske godt gået. Muligheden for 4-way SLi/CrossFire er noget jeg virkelig har savnet fra andre nyere bundkort, og at alle pci-e porte er 3.0 er blot en ekstra god bonus.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Bundkortet har fået mange af Gigabytes tiltag, samt nogle nye som digitale VRM moduler til både CPU og RAM. Sammen med Intel's nye X79 chipset og pci-e 3.0 på alle pci-e porte, kan det ikke blive til andet end et 5 tal i denne kategori.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Jeg ville rigtig gerne have givet 5 her. Jeg er rigtig glad for at der endelig er kommet en lang CrossFire bro med i pakken, men desværre mangler der nogle ting før jeg kan give 5 her. En USB 3.0 breakout box til fronten af kabinettet, men det forventes ikke til det mindste model af en serie bundkort.
Design/Layout - 4
Det generelle sorte design ser slet ikke dårligt ud, og giver indtrykket af et high-end bundkort. pci-e portene er meget svært at placerer anderledes da der skal være plads til 4 af dem, især hvis der skal være plads til dual-slot grafikkort, hvilket de fleste er i dag. Pladsen omkring CPU soklen er Gigabyte også kommet fint udenom, men havde dog ønsket at RAM pladserne måske kom lidt længere væk fra soklen.
Software/BIOS - 3
Det er kun på grund af softwaren at jeg giver 3 her. Jeg havde glædt mig rigtig meget til at se Gigabyte's nye 3D BIOS, men responstiden og det generelle flow i BIOS er elendig, og hver animation hakker helt vildt, hvilket ikke gør andet end at irriterer. Det ville have været bedre med en ganske almindelig award BIOS.
Ydelse - 3
Bundkortet har forholdsvis svært ved at følge med de store kanoner, men det var heller ikke forventet af den mindste udgave. Selvom bundkortet har fået digitale VRM moduler var det mig ikke muligt at få presset mere end 4.5Ghz ud af min CPU, som jeg har haft helt oppe og køre 4.9Ghz.
Pris - 4
Prisen på lidt over 1500kr. er rigtig god i forhold til andre X79 bundkort, men man får det stadig ikke smidt i nakken. Jeg giver 4 for en pris der er lidt bedre end middel.
UK summary

For a cheap motherboard for the X79 platform it seems to be quite good. The possibility of 4-way SLi/CrossFire is something that I have really been missing from other newer motherboards, and the fact that all pci-e ports are 3.0 is just an extra good bonus.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The motherboard has gotten many og Gigabytes features and some new ones as digital VRM modules for both CPU and RAM: Along with Intel's new X79 chipset and pci-e 30 on all pci-e ports, it can not get anything but 5 in this category.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
I would really like to have given 5 here. I am really happy to finally find a long CrossFire bridge in the package, but unfortunately it lacks some other things before it can get 5 here. A USB 3.0 breakout box to the front of the case would be nice, but is not really expected for the smallest model of a series of motherboards.
Design/Layout - 4
The general black design doesn't look bad, and it gives the impression of a high-end motherboard. The pci-e ports is very hard to put different as there musst be room for 4 of them, especially if there should be room for dual-slot graphics cards, which most of them are today. Gigabyte has managed to put some good space around the CPU socket, but I would have liked to see the memory slots to be a bit farther away from the socket.
Software/BIOS - 3
It is only because of the software that I give 3 here. I had looked very much forward to see Gigabyte's new 3D BIOS, but the response time and the overall flow in the BIOS is miserable, and each animation lags hugely, which does nothing but annoy. It would have been better with an ordinary Award BIOS.
Performance - 4
The motherboard has a hard time keeping up with the big guys, but that was not expected by the smallest version. Although the motherboard has gotten digital VRM modules, it was not possible for me to push more than 4.5Ghz out of my CPU, which I have had up and running 4.9Ghz.
Price - 4
The price of just over 1500kr. is pretty good compared to other X79 motherboards, but you still don't get it kicked in your neck. I give 4 for a price that is slightly better than average.
Test: Gigabyte X79-UD3
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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