
Intel's nye Sandy Bridge-E, ligner lidt de tidligere Gulftown CPU'er (sokkel 1366) med en smule bedre ydelse. Der er 6 kerner og 2-vejs Hyperthreading, hvilket giver 12 tråde i alt. Overclockingsmæssigt var det ikke det vilde, og den kan godt blive ret varm hvis man ikke har den rette køling.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Det er nyeste teknologi fra Intel hvor de har proppet flere kerner i CPU'en samt givet den HT, og det virker også i praksis.
Ydelse - 5
Ydelsen er helt i top og især hvis man har tunge programmer. Zip filer åbnes ret hurtigt og krævende billedprogrammer er som en leg.
Pris - 3
Prisen er på over DKR 4000,-. Ydelse er ret god, men den er stadig dyr. Ville nok selv vælge en 2600k til en spille maskine. Dog hvis man vil proppe masser af RAM i bundkortet og køre programmer der udnytter flere kerner, er den her CPU et godt valg.

UK summary

The new Sandy Bridge-E, is quite similar to the earlier Gulftown (socket 1366) with a bit better performance. There is 6 cores with 2-way HyperThreading, which gives a total of 12 threads. Overclocking was not the best I have had in my hand, and the CPU tends to get rather warm if you don't have the proper cooling.
Innovation/Technology - 4
It is the latest technology from Intel where they have crammed more cores in the CPU and given it HT, and it works in practice.
Performance - 5
Performance is at its top. Especially if you work with heavy programs as photoshop, 3d programs and others. I've also noticed that Zip files opens really fast after using this setup a few days.
Price - 3
The price is over DKK 4000,-. The performance is good but the CPU is still too expensive if you ask me. I would rather choose a 2600k for a gaming setup, though if you would like to put massive amounts of RAM on the motherboard, and use programs that use more threads, this CPU would be a good choice.

Test: Intel 3930k CPU
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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