
Raidsonics IB-120 Dockingstation er vitterligt let at bruge. USB3 giver flotte hastigheder ved overførsler, og kan du flytte filer i windows stifinder - ja så kan du bruge denne dockingstation. Den virker selvfølgelig med USB-2, men får du først prøvet USB-3's hastigheder så vil du ikke "tilbage" til USB-2 igen. Backup og filoverførsler går hurtigt, du behøver ikke at investere i fancy, eksterne harddisk design-kabinetter, men har hér et lettilgængeligt produkt.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Dette produkt er set før, nu er det bare med USB3, hurtigt og let.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er hvad der skal være. Husk nu at der ikke er diske med i pakken.
Design/Layout - 3
Nydeligt design og solidt fremstillet i materialer.
Software/BIOS - N/A
Ydelse - 4
USB3 er dejligt hurtigt at arbejde med. Fine hastigheder og denne dockingstation fra Raidsonic skuffer ikke.
Pris - 5
Med en pris på 326,- DKK. er denne dockingstation billigere end de andre USB-3 stationer - og så er her plads til hele 2 harddiske. Derfor 5 i karakter.
UK summary

RAIDSONIC product IB-120 Docking Station is indeed easy to use. USB-3 offers great speed for file transfers, and if you can move a file in Windows Explorer, so you can use this dock. It works with the "old" USB-2, but you first tried the USB-3 and the speed, then you will not "back" to USB-2 again. Backup and file transfers are fast, you do not need to invest in fancy, external hard drive design cabinets.
Innovation/Technology - 3
This product has been seen before, now it's just with USB3, quickly and easily.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is, what should be. Remember, that there are no discs within the package.
Design/Layout - 3
Its a nice design and quality materials used.
Software/BIOS - N/A
Performance - 4
USB3 is quickly to work with. Fine rates (speed) and this dock from Raid Sonic does not disappoint.
Price - 5
This docking station is cheaper than the other USB3 stations, price in Danish kr. 326.- and here we have space for up to 2 hard drives. Therefore 5, highest points here .
Test: Raidsonic IB-120 dockingstation
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 72% |
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