
Dette IB-CAM V2211E, har været spændende at møde. Selve overvågningskameraet optager / viser i HD-kvalitet og den medfølgende HD NVR software er så omfattende, at det ville tage en masse plads at beskrive. Jo, forbedringer er der plads til, RaidSonic arbejder på højtryk med at forbedre softwaren, så man kan overvåge kameraet med en smartphone. Det er det eneste punkt, hvor jeg har opdaget en lille mangel, ellers kan jeg simpelthen ikke finde nogen klagepunkter under testen. Selv nat-overvågningen er fin, havde jeg en dyr bil eller andet, som jeg ville beskytte så optimalt som muligt - så er dette kamera bestemt en oplagt mulighed.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Der sker hele tiden udvikling af hard og -software med overvågningskameraer. Her nærmer vi os det optimale PT.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Man mangler ikke noget, når man modtager pakken, alt er med.
Design/Layout - 4
Kameraet er solidt udført og dækker en meget stor vinkel, selvom det manuelt skal stilles i den ønskede overvågningsretning. Man behøver ikke være så nøjeregnende med opsætningen. Det kompenseres der for med den brede mulighed i justeringen.
Software - 5
Softwaren er så omfattende, at det nærmest er utroligt. Det har taget mig lang tid at teste og overskue mulighederne.
Ydelse - 4
Jeg syntes at kameraet, under testen, har opfyldt alle mine ønsker. Den eneste detalje, som jeg savnede, er en motor til styring af overvågningen - men det er nok lige så meget legebarnet i mig som savnede det.
Pris - 4
Jeg har fundet kameraet på Kelkoo til 4.560 Kr. Det er billigt i forhold til opløsning og kvalitet.
UK summary

This IB-CAM V2211E has been exciting to meet. The surveillance camera captures / shows in HD quality and the supplied HD NVR software is so comprehensive, that it would take a lot of space, in this article, to describe. But still, there is room for improvement . RaidSonic is working hard in this writing moment, to improving the software, so you can monitor the camera with a smartphone. It is the only point, where I'm missing an option, otherwise I simply can not find any complaints during the test. Even night monitoring is fine, if I had an expensive car, or else, I would protect as best as possible, then this camera is an ideal option.
Innovation/Technology - 4
There has been continuing development of hardware and software with security cameras. Here we are approaching the optimal at this time.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
It remains nothing when you receive the package, everything is included.
Design/Layout - 4
The camera is solidly built and covers a very wide angle, although it is manually placed / pointing in the desired surveillance direction. You dont need to be so strict about the setup on the ( by example) ceiling. This is compensated for, by the general possibility of adjustment.
Software - 5
The software is so comprehensive, that it is almost unbelievable. It has taken me a long time to test all the options in it.
Performance - 4
This camera has, under this test, fulfilled all my wishes. The only detail, that I missed, is a motor for controlling the camera - but it's probably, just as much, the child in me who want to play with it and missed this option.
Price - 4
I have found the camera on Kelkoo for 4,560 Danish kroner. It is cheap when you look at the resolution and quality.
Test: IB-CAM-V2211E cam
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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