Tilbehør d. 30. juli. 2012, skrevet af da9els 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 14678 gange.
Hauppauge laver ikke andet end A/V-capture produkter og man må sige at det er et nicheprodukt vi har fat i her. Det er ret smart, hvis man vil bygge sin egen harddiskoptager eller streame TV-signalet videre i hjemmet. Det er også en af de eneste muligheder, hvis man vil optage fra sin spillekonsol.
Colossus er samtidigt et high-end produkt og WinTV softwaren er blevet rigtig god. Dog ville det have været fedt hvis der kunne optages i 1080p samt en app til Android.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
De kunne have nøjes med adapter-kablerne men alligevel er der også component-kabel med, hvilket lige trækker karakteren op over tre. Men der er alt hvad man skal bruge for at komme i gang. Dog ville et HDMI-kabel have set godt ud i kassen. Men hvis man alligevel køber sådan et kort er man nok typen der også selv vil bestemme hvilket kabel man skal have til.
Design/Layout - 3
Der er ikke så meget at sige om layoutet. I/O-portene er godt pakket og der er ikke sløset med pladsen på selve printet. Det havde været mere anvendeligt hvis kortet havde været low-profile. Eventuelt med et break-out kabel til tilslutningerne.
Software/BIOS - 4
WinTV fungerer rigtig godt og der er masser af features. Trådløs streaming er super smart og der var ingen problemer med drivere. ArcSoft Showbiz er hvad det er. Det er ikke det der trækker karakteren op på fire. Men alligevel er det ganske fint at have et stykke videoredigeringssoftware med fra starten af.
Ydelse - 3
Jeg var lidt skuffet over den hakken der forekom i optagelserne selv om maskinen var vel over minimumskrav. Jeg skal ikke udelukke at der måske skulle tweakes lidt her og der for at få det til at køre. Men selv med Showbiz super simplificerede brugerflade kan jeg ikke gøre meget forkert. Dog opvejer kvaliteten af optagelserne dette. Justeringen af kontrasten er ikke noget at sætte fingeren på og resten er næsten identisk med originalen - pixel for pixel.
Pris - 3
Selv om en pris på godt 1300 DKK, godt kan lyde af ret meget for at få billedet ind i maskinen, er det helt fair for et nicheprodukt af denne kaliber. Hauppauge laver rigtig gode produkter og hvis man skal ud og investere i denne type produkt, er der stort set ikke andre producenter på markedet - og slet ingen der kan leve op til Hauppauges standard.
Hauppauge doing nothing but A/V-capture products and one must say that it is a niche product for which we are dealing with here. It's pretty smart if you want to build your own hard disk recorder or stream the TV-signal to the home. It is also one of the only options if you want to record from a game console.
Colossus is also a high-end product and WinTV software has been really good. However, it would have been cool if that could be recorded in 1080p and an app for Android.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
They could have just included adapter cables, yet there is also the component cable, which just pulls the grade above three. There is everything you need to get started. Yet would an HDMI cable have looked great in the box. But if you do buy such a card, your probably the type who also will determine which cable you have to have to.
Design/Layout - 3
There is not much to say about the layout. I/O-ports are well packed and they have not been sloppy with the space on the PCB. It would have been more useful if the card had been low-profile. Possibly with a break-out cable for the connections.
Software/BIOS - 4
WinTV works really well and there are plenty of features. Wireless streaming is super smart and there were no problems with drivers. ArcSoft Showbiz is what it is. This is not what draws the character up to four. Yet it is quite nice to have a piece of video editing software from the start.
Performance - 3
I was a little disappointed with the stuttering that occurred during the filming although the machine was well above minimum requirements. I do not exclude that little tweaking here and there could get it to run. With Showbiz's super simplified user interface, I can not do much wrong. However it outweighs the quality of the recordings. The adjustment of the contrast is not something to put your finger on and the rest is almost identical to the original - pixel by pixel.
Price - 3
Although a price of just over 1300 DKK, may well sound like much to get the image into the machine, it is quite fair for a niche product of this caliber. Hauppauge make really good products and if you go out and invest in this type of product, there is virtually no other producers on the market - and certainly no one can live up to Hauppauge's standard.
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
Samlet | 68% |