Generelt har jeg fået et solidt indtryk af AsRock's Z87 Extreme3 bundkort. Det danner et godt grundlag for et Haswell system der både skal være stabilt, måske overclockes og samtidig have ganske fin ydelse.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Dehumidifier sørger for at systemet ikke er fugtigt når det startes, for at undgå kortslutninger. Dette giver en en god følelse af, at det er et system der vil leve længe og køre stabilt. Derudover har bundkortet fået 8 fasers strømforsyning samt digital strømstyring.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Det er ikke meget der følger med bundkortet. Der er lige det med i kassen som der skal til for at bygge et komplet system, plus en SLI bro hvis to nVidia grafikkort skal bruges sammen med bundkortet.
Design/Layout - 4
Jeg synes designet passer fint ind i ethvert kabinet og jeg ville ikke skamme mig over at have kortet siddende i et kabinet med et vindue i. Layoutet er også ganske glimrende, selvom jeg ikke helt forstår de gamle PCI porte.
Software/BIOS - 5
BIOS'en synes jeg er rigtig god at navigerer rundt i, og man kan også få lidt stjernekiggeri med i oplevelsen. Desuden synes jeg rigtig godt om den medfølgende software der giver mulighed for at overclocke systemet samt lave en ubegrænset RAMDisk.
Ydelse - 3
Jeg har lidt blandede følelser om ydelsen. Få gange er den god, andre gange acceptabel. Jeg fik også et fint overclock ud af CPU'en.
Pris - 3
Prisen er faktisk den samme som det sammenlignede ASUS Z87-A, og funktionerne man får med er cirka lig med hinanden. Jeg synes derfor at kortet er prissat ganske fint.
UK summary
Overall, the AsRock's Z87 Extreme3 motherboard has left me with a solid impression. It makes a good basis for a Haswell based system which is stable, perhaps candidate for overclocking and at the same time with a nice performance.
Innovation/Technology - 4
In order to avoid short circuiting, the dehumidifier ensures that the system is not humid when it is starts up. This gives you a good feeling that this is a system which will last long and run stable. In addition, the board is equipped with an 8 phase power supply as well as digital power management.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is not much in the bundle included with the board. The box contains precisely what is needed to build a complete system - plus a SLI bridge, if two nVidia graphics cards are to be used on the motherboard.
Design/Layout - 4
I find that the design fits nicely into any case, and I would not be ashamed to mount this board in a case equipped with a window. The layout is also very fine, although I do not understand the use of the old PCI ports.
Software/BIOS - 5
In my opinion, navigation in the BIOS is fine, and in addition you can watch a few stars as part of the experience. I appreciate the bundled software, which gives possibilities to overclock the system and to make an unlimited RAMDisk.
Performance - 3
The performance leaves me with some mixed feelings. A couple of time is good, at other times acceptable. I managed to get a fine overclock of the CPU.
Price - 3
The price is almost identical to the ASUS Z87-A used in the comparisons, and the functions that you get are very similar. I therefore find that the price tag is quite OK.
Test: Asrock Z87 EXTREME3 bundkort
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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