Lige fra man pakker MECH tastaturet ud af æsken, kan man mærke, at det er robust og god kvalitet. Da jeg skulle til at tage det i brug, var jeg lidt nervøs over det kantet look, men blev heldigvis meget positivt overrasket. Min mening er, at det er et pænt og minimalistisk tastatur, som alligevel på en eller anden måde er spækket med alt, en gamer får brug for. Det kan sagtens bruges i dagligdagen og i længere tid af gangen, og er du gamer, der skal afsted, så kan du bogstaveligt talt bare tage det med i håndtaget. Da du kan gemme 5 forskellige profiler på tastaturet, er du også klar til at game så snart, du ankommer til LAN.
Innovation / Teknologi -4
Jeg synes, de har taget nogle spændende ting i brug på dette tastatur, bl.a. muligheden for selv at modificere tastatur overfladen. De har også indbygget håndledsstøtten, og det har de virkelig gjort godt.
Bundle / tilbehør – 4
Der er, hvad man skal bruge for at komme i gang, men de har også sørget for en forklaring på, hvordan du opsætter tastaturet og bruger de forskellige features. Der er også et stykke værktøj med til at skifte taster med og det giver også lidt.
Design / Layout – 5
Designet vil appellere til nogen og ikke til andre, men jeg er helt vild med det meget minimalistiske look og muligheden for at modificere selve tastaturet.
Software – 2
Softwaren er lidt besværlig at komme i gang med, og jeg måtte altså lige ind og kigge på manualen et par gange. De har dog sørget for en guide, men ønsker man at lave macro`er osv, så er det lidt for svært. Derfor får de en lidt lav score her, da det for mange kan være svært at finde ud af det.
Ydelse – 5
Jeg synes virkelig, tastaturet yder rigtigt godt og har ikke kunne sætte en finger på noget, og det kan de takke deres ”32 bit rapid fire engine” i tastaturet for. Det kører bare godt det hele, og tasterne er lige, som jeg vil have dem, derfor får de top karakter her.
Pris – 3
Rent prismæssigt ligger det nogenlunde som andre high end mekaniske tastaturer - dog i den dyrere ende. MECH koster 1242 kr. og derfor får de et lille 3 tal her.
UK summary
Right when I unpacked the MECH keyboard I was impressed about the quality. Before using it, I was a little nervous about the more edgy look, but I was positively surprised. My opinion is that it is a nice and minimalistic keyboard that somehow manage to get a ton of gamer features into it. You can easily use it on a daily basic and for a longer period of time without having any trouble. And if you are the gamer that always brings your computer to friends or gaming parties, you can easily take it with you by using the grip. Since you can save up to 5 profiles in the keyboard, you will be ready as soon as you power on the computer at the gaming party.
Innovation/Technology - 4
I think they have decided to go with some more interesting things about this keyboard - just the fact that you can modify the surface is amazing. CM has also decided to build in the wrist support to make it more sturdy.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
You'll get what you'll need - basically. But besides that you also get a really good guide of how to set up the keyboard with your preferences and the different features. On top of that you'll get a piece of hardware to change the keys on the keyboard as well.
Design/Layout - 5
The design won't be loved by everyone, but I do think that is will be loved by a lot because of the minimalistic design and the option of modding the keyboard.
Software/BIOS - 2
The software is a little hard to get use to in the beginning, but if you look in the manual, you should be able to get a good idea. If you want to set the marcro's it can get a little difficult. That's the reason for the lower score in the Software part.
Performance - 5
I really think that the performance of the keyboard is outstanding and I can't say anything bad about it - I think we will have to thank the "32 bit rapid fire engine" that has been build into the keyboard. Everything works flawless and I won't want the keys to be different.
Price - 3
Price wise we are just like the other high end mechanical keyboards, but in the more expensive end of the line. CM Storm MECH has a price tag of 1242 DKK and that's why I will give it a figure 3.
Test: Coolermaster CM STORM Mech keyboard
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 2 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 76% |
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