Kabinetter d. 28. april. 2014, skrevet af Gerner 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 8516 gange.
Vi har nu fået kigget og skrevet en del om dette flotte NZXT H230 kabinet. Tager man hele kabinettet i betragtning, samt prisen, så er det et meget fornuftigt kabinet. Ønsker man et kabinet, som er minimalistisk og stilrent, men samtidig giver rigelig plads til ens hardware, så kan det bestemt godt anbefales. Det er lydisolerende, nydeligt af udseende, og man kan stort set have alt det hardware monteret i kabinettet som hjertet begærer.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Det er svært at komme med nye teknologier og innovationer til kabinet-branchen, da det primært handler om et kabinet med god plads, stilrent og lyddæmpende. Dette betyder ikke, at kabinettet vi har med at gøre, er et dårligt kabinet, tværtimod. Vi har masser plads, smart kliksystem til både harddiske og drev, samt masser af plads til kablerne. Dette giver altså kabinettet karakteren 4.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 2
Ud fra de andre kabinetter jeg har kigget på, så er denne nok en af de ringeste jeg har set. Der er kun lige tilstrækkeligt tilbehør, men så heller ikke mere. Nu skal prisen også lige tages i betragtning, da kabinettet koster cirka 500 kr. som er i den lave ende for et kabinet. Jeg mener dog ikke at den skal længere op end karakteren 2.
Design/Layout - 3
Når det så kommer til kabinettets design, så er det faktisk et meget nydeligt kabinet vi har at gøre med. Det er dog en smule for simpelt for min smag. Jeg mener ikke at NZXT har gået lige så meget i detaljerne, som med nogle af deres andre kabinetter. De lige linjer og minimalistiske design er stadig lækkert, så dette er med til at give karakteren 3.
Pris - 5
Prisen for kabinettet ligger på cirka de 500 kroner, hvilket er en utrolig fornuftig pris. Man får rigtig meget for pengene, for kabinettet kan rumme en hel del, men oveni det har den altså også lige nogle ret smarte features. Så hvis man godt kan lide et minimalistisk kabinet, men derimod ikke lyster at bruge flere tusinde kroner, så er de 500 kroner brugt utrolig godt.
We have taken a look and written a lot about the nice looking NZXT H230 case. If you look at the case as a whole as well as the price, you get a pretty reasonable case. If you want a case which is minimalistic and clean in it's design while also providing plenty of space for your hardware, this case is worth taking a look at. The case is sound dampening, have nice looks and you can have pretty much all the hardware your heart could desire mounted in this case.
Innovation/Technology - 4
It is hard to come up with new technologies for the computer case industry, as it primarily focuses on the case having plenty of space, being stylish and sound dampening. This does not mean that this case is bad though, in fact, exactly the opposite. We have plenty of space, a smart click system for both hard drives and other drives along with plenty of space for cables. This gives the case a grade of 4.
Bundle/Accessories - 2
Compared to other cases I have had a look at, then this is the worst bundle I have seen. There is only the most needed accessories included and nothing more. The price should of course be taken into considerations, while the case only costs about 500 DKK which is in the low end for a computer case. I do not think that the grading should be higher than 2 though.
Design/Layout - 3
When it comes to the design of the case I actually think that the case we are looking at here is pretty nice. It is a litthe too simple for my taste though. I do not think that NZXT have gone as much into details with this one, compared to some of their other cases. The straight lines and the minimalistic design is still pretty nice, so I give this the grade 3.
Price - 5
The price for the case is about 500 DKK, which is an incredibly reasonable price. You get quite a lot for you money, as the case can carry quite a lot while also having some pretty clever features. So if you like a minimalistic case but do not want to pay thousands, then the 500 DKK is really well spent here.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 2 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Pris | 5 |
Samlet | 70% |