
SZ170R8 har været nem at arbejde med. Der er dog nogle små ting, som jeg ikke er helt tilfreds med. Det ene er at man får en driver DVD med, som er låst til SZ170R8, hvilket betyder den kun kan bruges i en maskine uden mulighed for optisk drev. Det næste er manglende mulighed for 2,5" diske. Designet er flot og virker solidt bygget og antallet, samt placeringen af stik er passende. SZ170R8 er yderst versatil, da der mulighed for at bygge hvilken som helst slags maskine ud af den ved blot at vælg forskellige komponenter. Der har ikke været meget støj fra den og den har været meget stille under testene og har ikke på noget tidspunkt virket varm eller anstrengt.
Innovation - 4
Reelt set er der ikke meget nyt i SZ170R8 udover at der er mulighed for at bygge en stærk Skylake PC op med masser af RAM og lagerplads. Karakteren er givet på baggrund af den alsidighed, som SZ170R8 tilbyder.
Bundle - 3
Der er hvad der skal være. Jeg ville dog have ønsket at driverne var på en USB pen i stedet for en DVD.
Design/Layout - 4
Smukt design og fornuftige materialer. Antallet af stik er passende og velplaceret.
Software/BIOS - 3
BIOS kan hvad den skal kunne og jeg må gå ud fra at softwaren er ligeledes. Driverne fra Shuttles hjemmeside virker i hvert fald fint.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelsen er forskellig alt efter hvilket hardware der sættes i den. Men med min opsætning på test eksemplaret synes jeg at tallene ser fornuftige ud, og den tabte ikke pusten på noget tidspunkt.
Pris - 4
Prisen er rimelig i forhold til hvad man får med. Her tænker jeg ikke kun på hardwaren i sig selv, men også de muligheder, der åbnes op for.
UK summary

SZ170R8 has been easy to work with. However, there are some small things that I am slightly concerned about. One is that you get a driver DVD, which is locked to SZ170R8, which means it can only be used in a machine without the possibility of optical drives. The next one is the inability to install 2.5 "disks. The design is nice and seems solid built, and the amount and location of connectors is suitable. SZ170R8 is extremely versatile and it is possible to build any kind of machine out of it, simply by selecting different components. There has not been much noise from it and it has been very quiet during the tests and have never seemed hot or strained.
Innovation/Technology - 4
In reality there is not much new in SZ170R8 addition to that there is the opportunity to build a strong Skylake PC with lots of RAM and storage space. The rating is given based on the versatility that SZ170R8 offers.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is what you need. I would have preferred that the drivers were on a USB pen instead of a DVD.
Design/Layout - 4
Beautiful design and sensible materials. The number of connectors is suitable and well placed.
Software/BIOS - 3
BIOS can do what it should do and I have to assume that the software is the same. The drivers from the Shuttle's website certainly works fine.
Performance - 4
Performance varies depending on the hardware that you install. But with the setup on the test copy, I think that the numbers look reasonable and it did not lose its breath at any point in time.
Price - 4
The price is reasonable compared to what you get with. I am thinking not only on the hardware itself, but also the opportunities that it presents.
Test: Shuttle SZ170R8
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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