Test: Gigabyte X99 ULTRA Gaming

Bundkort, Intel d.  05. september. 2016, skrevet af freak_master 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 20435 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: svedel77
Oversættelse: jmose

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 2256,00
Produkt udlånt af: Gigabyte
DK distributør: Fourcom


Gigabyte har lavet et bundkort der kan lidt af det hele, men skinner helt sikkert i en spillemaskine baseret på X99. Og med de mange farvemuligheder behøver man ikke bekymre sig om at farverne ikke passer sammen.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Med et så flot bundkort kunne jeg godt tænke mig at få en plakat eller andet merchandise med. Jeg synes desuden efterhånden at DVD mediet er ved at have udlevet sin tid, og de fleste af har slet ikke noget til at læse sådan en skive med, hvorfor jeg gerne snart ser at man smider USB med diverse drivere med i pakken.

Design/Layout - 4
Designet synes jeg bestemt er blevet flot, og Gigabyte har tænkt sig godt om. Layoutet kan jeg også rigtig godt lide, specielt at Gigabyte har valgt kun at understøtte 3 grafikkort, men giver derved plads til større grafikkort eller mere luft mellem grafikkortene.

Software/BIOS - 5
Gigabyte leverer både fantastisk software og BIOS med bundkortet, og det fungerer præcis som det er tænkt.

Ydelse - 4
Den her synes jeg er lidt svær. Vi ser fantastisk ydelse flere steder, men også en knap så god andre steder. Kigger vi på gennemsnittet lægger Gigabyte sig dog klart i toppen.

Pris - 3
En pris på cirka 2250kr. synes jeg ikke er så galt når vi ser på andre X99 bundkort i denne kalibre.


UK summary


Gigabyte has gathered a quite fine package in the motherboard. It delivers the features one would expect from a X99 motherboard, along with some good features for gaming. It´s also possible to add a personal touch to the board, and set the colours excactly the way you like.  


Innovation/Technology - 4
Gigabyte has made a motherboard capable of a bit of it all, but will definately shine it a gaming PC based on X99. And with the many colour options you don´t need to worry about wether the colours will match or not. 

Bundle/Accessories - 4
With such a fancy motherboard, I would like to have seen a poster or some other merchandise. I also think that the time has come and gone for the DVD, and most people don´t even have something to read such a disc with, which is why I certainly would like to see a USB with drivers included in the package soon. 

Design/Layout - 4
I definately like the design, and Gigabyte has thougt about it. The layout is also good, especially that Gigabyte has choosen only to support 3 videocards, and thereby leaves space for bigger videocards or more room between those. 

Software/BIOS - 5
Gigabyte delivers both fantastic software and BIOS with the motherboard, and it works excactly as it´s supposed to do. 

Performance - 4
I find this categori a bit difficult. We see a fantastic performance in more than one place, but also not so good in other places. If we look at the average Gigabyte places itself clearly at the top.  

Price - 3
A price around 2250 DKK I don´t find to hard, when we look at other X99 boards of this caliber.   



Test: Gigabyte X99 ULTRA Gaming
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør4
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS5

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